Breakfast with Seneca: A Stoic Guide to the Art of Living


類別 : 社會科學
頁數 : 288
出版 : W. W. Norton & Company, 2021 年 12 月 14 日
版本 : 精裝版
版權窗口 : 繁體博達代理David / 简体版權已售David


《與塞內卡的早餐》(Breakfast with Seneca)一書中,當代哲學家大衛·菲德勒 (David Fideler)介紹希臘羅馬時期最具影響力的哲學流派之一──斯多葛主義(Stoicism),作者將斯多葛主義運用於現代社會,提供我們另一個看待生活的角度。作者大衛·菲德勒認為,斯多噶主義以幸福為宗旨,它爽朗又現代的思想內容,讓人強化內心,面對這個難預測的世界。


本書更精選被認為是最有天分、最幽默的斯多葛主義哲學家塞內卡(Seneca)的作品,如《道徳書簡集》(Letters from a Stoic)等,透過一系列章節詳細說明塞內卡的思想在當代社會的意義。他歷時百年的著作《道徳書簡集》(Letters from a Stoic),是由一篇篇寫給摯友的書信所組成,用以解釋如何面對逆境,度過悲傷、焦慮以及憤怒,轉換挫折為成長的力量,並認清關係的真諦,引領我們活的自由且有目標。




前言: 一個值得過下去的生活
第一章: 失去友情的藝術
第二章: 珍惜你的時間:避免拖延
第三章: 如何度過擔憂與焦慮
第四章: 憤怒的問題
第五章: 既來之,則安之:你無法脫離自我
第六章: 如何脫離逆境
第七章: 為甚麼你不該抱怨
第八章: 與財富的角力:如何在貧窮與極富中生存
第九章: 邪惡的群眾與束縛的關係
第十章: 對於社會,如何成為可信並有貢獻的?
第十一章: 將生活過的死而無憾
第十二章: 有時限的悲傷
第十三章: 愛與態度
第十四章: 自由、寧靜與永久的快樂


大衛.費德勒(David Fideler)出生於美國,曾於賓夕法尼亞大學 (University of Pennsylvania)研讀希臘哲學以及地中海信仰,並取得哲學與歷史學博士學位,現為作家、哲學家以及Stoic Insights網站的編輯。曾著有Restoring the Soul of the World: Our Living Bond With Nature’s Intelligence (2014出版),現居於賽拉耶佛(Sarajevo)。作者官網。作者經營的哲學網站 


"The most companionable of the new Stoic books."
― Molly Young, New York Times

"[A] comprehensive guide to [Seneca's] ideas... Fideler keeps things accessible and offers plenty of real-world examples for applying philosophy to one’s life, making for a great crash course. Philosophy newbies will find this a fine introduction."
― Publishers Weekly

"This is a rare gem of a book: simultaneously comforting and challenging, edifying and entertaining."
― Eric Weiner, author of The Socrates Express

"This book is the perfect antidote to the commercialism and superficial values of modern times. Although Seneca was living two thousand years ago, he speaks directly to us today."
― Robin Waterfield, translator of Marcus Aurelius and Epictetus

"When I find myself in a tight spot, I take a philosophical shortcut and simply ask, ‘What would Seneca do?’ David Fideler’s wonderful Breakfast with Seneca will come in handy in such situations. An accessible introduction to Stoic practice and to the Stoic philosophy in general."
― William B. Irvine, author of A Guide to the Good LIfe and The Stoic Challenge

"A feast for the soul and spirit. Those who absorb the lessons in Breakfast with Seneca will embark on a life more worth living."
― Christopher Phillips PhD, author of Socrates Cafe

"A fine guide to Seneca, Stoicism, and what it means to live a Stoic life. Highly readable."
― John Sellars, author of Lessons in Stoicism

"A great introduction to both Seneca and Stoicism. It will even help those already familiar with Seneca’s writings to gain more benefit from them."
― Donald Robertson, author of How to Think Like a Roman Emperor


版權已授權南韓(Nineteen Publishing)、俄羅斯、西班牙、葡萄牙、立陶宛、簡體中文版權


Breakfast with Seneca: A Stoic Guide to the Art of Living

