#歷史 #懸疑 #女性
- 入圍2024年Goodreads讀者票選年度最佳歷史小說
1950年,在美國首都的中心有一座布萊爾伍德之家,為窮困潦倒的女性提供居所,裡面一直以來都安靜得過著自己的生活。但是當迷人又神秘的寡婦Grace March搬到布萊爾伍德之家的閣樓時,她讓這一群古怪的鄰居們成為了意料之外的好友,包括外表完美但內心充滿創傷的沉著英式美人Fliss、與一名幫派分子糾纏不清的員警之女Nora、失意棒球球星Beatrice、社會運動份子Arlene。
The Alice Network (2017)
- 2017年Goodreads讀者票選年度最佳歷史小說第四名、4.32星好評
- 售出19國語言版權
- 繁體中文版已出版
- 以真實歷史人物法國女間諜為靈感,講述二戰後一名原法國女間諜協助尋找一位年輕女孩的失蹤表姊,並在過程中揭露三十年前的真相。
The Huntress (2019)
- 2019年Goodreads讀者票選年度最佳歷史小說第三名、4.30星好評
- 一位英國記者與一位俄國轟炸機團的女飛行員聯手合作,企圖在二戰後找出納粹殺手及戰犯—「女獵手」。
The Rose Code (2021)
- 2021年Goodreads讀者票選年度最佳歷史小說第四名、4.45星好評
- 2021年時已經銷售近50萬冊
- 售出21國語言版權
- 售出影視版權
- 在二戰結束後,三名布萊切利園的女密碼破解員發現他們還需要再找出並剷除一位間諜。
The Diamond Eye (2022)
- 售出11國語言版權
- 根據真實故事改編,講述一名俄國的圖書管理員成為歷史上最致命的女狙擊手的故事。
“Quinn evocatively balances the outward cheerfulness of the 1950s with historical observations exploring racism, misogyny, homophobia and political persecution in this sharply drawn, gripping novel.” — People
"Compulsively readable, The Briar Club will find eager readers in those who love woman-led historical fiction with rich, appealing characters." — Booklist (starred review)
“[A] compelling story. This powerful, unforgettable historical mystery is for fans of Mary Anna Evans’s Justine Byrne series and stories with strong women characters.” — Library Journal (starred review)
“A stellar historical mystery Quinn elegantly explores issues of race, class, and gender, and brings the paranoid atmosphere of McCarthy-era Washington to vivid life. For Quinn’s fans, this is a must.” — Publishers Weekly (starred review)
“Quinn’s latest continues to uphold her reputation for grasping the complexities, nuances, and dynamism of the past. Really, this book is perfect.” — Literary Hub
“Kate Quinn’s The Briar Club not only presents a thrilling mystery, but also, and perhaps more importantly, a cast of characters readers will adore.” — ELLE.COM