The Resilience Myth: New Thinking on Grit, Strength, and Growth After Trauma


類別 : 自我成長
頁數 : 304
出版 : Atria/One Signal Publishers, 2024 年 5 月 21 日
版本 : 精裝版
版權窗口 : 繁體博達代理Mengying / 简体博達代理Mengying


One Signal 將於 2024 年 5 月出版。


我們常常被敦促只能依靠自己來獲得力量、恆心、毅力和積極性。但是,索拉婭˙切馬利(Soraya Chemaly)以其獨有的機智和敏銳的洞察力向我們提出挑戰,要求我們調整思維,思考如何在危機不斷的世界中生存。通過對我們如何處理創傷背後的歷史、社會科學、心理學和個人敘事的調查,她提出了基於社群和關懷的復原,而不是個人主義的勇氣和有毒的積極性。


在這一發人深省的探索中,文化評論家索拉婭˙切馬利(Soraya Chemaly)挑戰了我們最珍視、最常見的迷思,提醒我們轉變視角,從個人化的特質和技能轉向集體關懷和與世界的開放式聯繫。基於全面的研究和現實生活中精彩的例子,《韌性的迷思》通過強調對他人和環境的關愛,為我們提供了另一種關係堅韌的視角。


她寫道:「如今,韌性常常被定義為從悲痛到幸福的軌跡,中間夾雜著生產力。」面對困難勇往直前是理所當然的期待。承認自己的脆弱,就像網球冠軍大阪直美在 2021 年退出法國網球公開賽以保護自己的心理健康那樣,可能會導致自己被標籤為弱者。這種觀念是有害的,就像認為韌性只是 "彈回 "的問題一樣。與 "繼續勇往直前 "的概念一樣,"彈回 "也是一種著眼于未來積極結果的想法,而忽略了它意味著回到 "先前存在的、極不可取的異化 "這一事實。作者認為這個陷阱是資本主義過度發展的產物,而擺脫這個陷阱的唯一辦法就是從關懷、聯繫和善良等倫理角度重新思考韌性。


作者打破了 "心智勝於物質"、"精神堅韌"、"力量 "和 "積極思考 "的概念,揭示了真正的韌性是一種社會能力和集體美德,源於我們的脆弱性以及支撐我們的相互依存和滋養關係。她認為,這才是能真正滋養我們的關係。在危機持續、加速和相互交疊的時代。作者也利用女權主義和反資本主義框架來審視韌性的概念,認為傳統上 「男性 」嚴格自給自足的價值觀可能會起到孤立的作用。本書思想深邃、論證嚴密,為我們提供了一個人性化的視角,讓我們看到人們必須如何調整自己的觀念,使之適應這個瞬息萬變的世界。


索拉婭.切馬利 (Soraya Chemaly) 是一位屢獲殊榮的作家和運動家,其作品主要關注性別在文化、政治、宗教和媒體中的作用。她是婦女媒體中心演講項目主任,也是婦女言論自由和擴大公民政治參與的宣導者。作為一名多產作家和演講家,她的文章散見於《時代》(Time)、《The Verge》、《衛報》(The Guardian)、《國家》(The Nation)、《赫夫波斯特》(HuffPost)和《大西洋月刊》(The Atlantic)。


“Thoughtful and well-argued, this book offers a humane vision of the ways people must adapt their ideas of what it means to thrive to a radically changing world. . . . Provocative, necessary reading.”—Kirkus


“Ambitious. . . using a feminist and anticapitalistic framework to interrogate notions of resilience. . . this is sure to spark conversation.”—Publishers Weekly


“Resilience is an ideology—comprising elements of individualism, bootstraps, and even victim-blaming. With characteristically brilliant arguments and meticulous research, Chemaly demolishes this ideology in The Resilience Myth and shows us how to build something so much better for everyone facing adversity. A must-read book for our age.”—Kate Manne, author of Down Girl


“A vital, life-saving must-read for anyone who has been force-fed the word ‘resilient’ when they feel anything but. The book I wish I'd had when I was neck-deep in trauma.”—Nora McInerny, author of Bad Vibes Only and the host of It’s Going To Be OK


“A tender, sensitive meditation on the supposed virtue of resilience in the face of trauma and adversity. Through counterintuitive insights and observations, Soraya Chemaly reminds us that it is in fact far healthier to be human.”—Angela Saini, award-winning journalist and author of The Patriarchs and Superior


“Chemaly has once again written the book we desperately need. In The Resilience Myth, Chemaly skillfully weaves science, anthropology, and history with poignant personal stories teaching us not only what real resilience looks like, but also why a new definition is more urgent than ever.”—Dr. Pooja Lakshmin MD, psychiatrist and bestselling author of Real Self-Care


“Soraya Chemaly has written a searing indictment of one of the most pernicious fictions in America: that self-reliance can save us. With her signature clarity and penetrating mind, she subverts the ideologies of isolation that keep us divided and dissociated from ourselves and other people. Deeply informative and inspiring, The Resilience Myth is an urgent corrective to the mind/body and self/other ruptures at the heart of our collective crises. It’s a groundbreaking road map to true strength: shared struggle.”—Jean Guerrero, author of Hatemonger


“Getting back on one's horse after a personal catastrophe feels evermore challenging—and Chemaly has, with clarity, patience, and rigor— illustrated why it's not just you, when all of us are asking, ‘Is it just me?’ She makes sense of what exists in our culture that isolates us from one another during times when we need each other most, providing a guiding light toward strength and interdependence, and ultimately, love.”—Soraya Nadia McDonald, award-winning cultural critic and journalist


The Resilience Myth: New Thinking on Grit, Strength, and Growth After Trauma

