Good Judgment: Making Better Business Decisions with the Science of Human Personality


類別 : 自我成長
頁數 : 240
出版 : Harper Business, 2024 年 6 月 11 日
版本 : 精裝版
版權窗口 : 繁體博達代理Mengying / 简体博達代理Mengying


  •  來自組織心理學家理查·大衛斯博士(Richard Davis, PhD)的獨特指南。
  •  教用人格科學閱讀和理解人們,做出更好的商業決策,包括選擇合適的員工、在工作場所建立關係、更有效地解決衝突,以及優化工作表現。



組織心理學家理查·大衛斯博士是評估個性的專家。他幾十年來一直為商界領袖提供建議,並為許多全球大公司的高管評估,包括Amazon, Target, Best Buy, Under Armour, Meta, Starbucks, Nike, LV和NBA。在他的職業生涯中,他幫助了眾多高管基於人格做出了艱難而極具影響力的招聘決策。一個公司的董事會可能希望下一任CEO具有果斷、專注和出色的溝通能力。支援初創公司的投資者可能希望領導者不僅是一個有遠見的人,還是一個團隊合作者,在得到建設性回饋時不會被反傷。由於他的畢生工作,大衛斯博士不僅形成了對人類個性的獨特看法,還開發了分析人格並有效利用資訊的必不可少的工具包。





理查.戴維斯博士(Dr. Richard Davis)領導一家領先的管理心理學公司(Kilberry),他是該公司的首席執行官,他為投資者、CEO和企業領導人提供評估和發展服務。他在為包括財富100強公司在內的CEO提供建議方面擁有豐富的經驗。客戶包括Under Armor、Best Buy、Target、Endeavor(WME Entertainment)、美國職業籃球聯賽、Canada Goose、時代華納、戴爾(Dell)、卡達商業銀行和楓葉體育娛樂公司。他還評估過微軟、蘋果、耐克、星巴克、亞馬遜、通用汽車、沃爾瑪、家得寶、聯合健康和穀歌等公司的高級執行人員和董事會成員。他是《領導力的無形因素》(The Intangibles of Leadership)的作者,並曾在全國電視、廣播和印刷媒體上露出,包括《華爾街日報》、CNN Money、《商業週刊》、《環球郵報》、CNBC和《哈佛商業評論》。


“Through engaging, real-world examples, Richard Davis offers expert and seasoned advice on how to become a successful leader, including some very specific tips and strategies on how to be the most effective version of yourself. His proven insights will be helpful for anyone—in any industry—looking to elevate their game.” — Adam Silver, NBA Commissioner


“Good Judgment is an instantly engaging, well-written and important book about the value of having insight into others. Richard Davis articulates why it matters, the science behind it, and how to actually develop it. Read this book if you want to make good decisions about people.” — Amy C. Edmondson, Professor of Leadership, Harvard Business School; Author of Right Kind of Wrong: The Science of Failing Well


"This excellent book gives you an insider’s view of some of the skills psychologists use to have good judgment about people. Good Judgment is filled with valuable tools to gain insight into the unique personalities of people and help you make better decisions as a result—at work and well beyond!"  — Dr. Scott Barry Kaufman, Author of Transcend and Host of The Psychology Podcast


“No CEO will succeed without the right team around them. In Good Judgment, Richard provides leaders with additional tools to better understand the people they hire, develop, and work with. A provocative and practical blueprint for how to look inside the minds of others to forge meaningful, trusted, and long-lasting relationships.”  — Constantine Alexandrakis, President and CEO, Russell Reynolds Associates


"A critical book that will forever change your understanding of leaders and their social skills. Richard Davis has done a brilliant job bringing the theory to practice, to clearly illustrate the critical value of good judgment in leaders" — Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic, PhD, Professor of Business Psychology at Columbia University and Chief Innovation Officer at ManpowerGroup


"Good Judgment is an invaluable resource for leaders, as well as those who coach and support them. Clear-eyed and insightful, it creates a mechanism for understanding what makes people tick and, more importantly, how they might work better. If you lead people, or even if you work with them, you need to read this book." — Jerry Colonna, author of Reunion: Leadership and the Longing to Belong





Good Judgment: Making Better Business Decisions with the Science of Human Personality

