A casa teníem un himne (At Home We Had an Anthem)


類別 : 女性小說
頁數 : 208
出版 : L'Altra Editorial, 2023 年 9 月 6 日
版本 : N/A
版權窗口 : 繁體博達代理Mengying / 简体博達代理Mengying


「以苦樂參半的筆調,克萊門特探討身為母親需要承受的精神負擔、父權主義帶來的後遺症、人生決定、錯失的機會以及年輕人工作的不穩定性等主題。她的作品 充滿了幽默感,這是她的特色,也是她的標誌。」《El Nacional.》(加泰隆尼亞電子媒體)




妹妹Marga年逾三十,單身,住在合租公寓中,在花店領著勉強餬口的薪水,並在巴塞羅那過著孤獨、乏味又不穩定的生活。 她找不到生活的意義,也不知道是怎麼把生活過成這樣的,善於自嘲的她,也已經無法再以憤世嫉俗的態度來解答這些問題了。 雖然她不願意承認,但她想念出生長大的村莊,也想念遠離巴塞羅那的安靜生活。


姊姊Remei自小就規劃好自己的人生,她現在的生活完全符合大家對成年女性的期待:她已婚,已生育,住在郊區的精緻公寓中,也有一份體面的工作。 但因為外遇意外懷孕之後,她不得不面對她厭惡自己生活的事實,她想要逃離專橫的丈夫,也想要擺脫越來越失控的外遇問題。


兩姊妹神祕的母親Erne曾經有數年的時間不發一語,醫生們找不出她無法說話的原因,但有一天卻很突然地又開始說話。 在丈夫過世後,Erne獨自搬去遠離家鄉的田園小鎮定居。 受意外懷孕問題所困擾的Remei拉著Marga躲回母親定居的小鎮,卻沒想到三人的相處中,除了看到母親新生活的細節,也挖掘出母親壓抑的過去還有一個可怕的家族 秘密,迫使她們重新面對人生。


《在家中,我們唱著一首家歌》中展現母女三種不同面對逆境的方式,將錯綜複雜的母女關係放在聚光燈之下,藉由三人的口中說出每一個世代所面臨的 問題,並描繪過去與現代女性的掙扎。 帶著悲喜劇的色彩,克萊門特最新的小說作品中,以清新、銳利、幽默的文筆,探索不理想生活的複雜性、沉默與創傷的沉重性,並強調有些事還是不說為好, 因為或許這樣這些事才更能被理解。


瑪麗亞. 克萊門特(西班牙)的第一部小說《Gina》講述了一位患有多發性硬化症的女性希望能在病入膏肓之前成為母親的故事,成功打動了一個世代的讀者的心。 《Gina》在加泰羅尼亞讀者中引起了強烈反響,並由法國出版社Edition Des Femmes出版了法語版。


“At Home We Had an Anthem is a truly extraordinary novel. The style is commendable. The handful of subtleties and the depth of psychologies, vanities, and suspicions within it are, for instance, on par with the idiosyncrasies and intricate events found in Iris Murdoch's The Sea, The Sea.” El País


“She is one of the most original and fresh voices in contemporary Catalan literature. [...] The Ebro regional linguistic register, humor, and the female perspective are her main characteristics.” Eugènia Broggi, editor at L’Altra Editorial


“An absolutely fresh voice.” Sílvia Soler


“Climent knows that each sentence must free itself from unnecessary words; she enjoys writing because she knows how to do it, and, obviously, readers enjoy it when she does.” El País


“She has her own voice, this author: tender, funny, daring, compelling.” Eva Piquer.


 “Climent advances the narrative somewhere between drama and comedy, with a surprising ability to create Socratic dialogues among the three women, who take stock of their lives as if they were in an Éric Rohmer film.” Núvol.


 “With a bittersweet tone and using (once again) the delightful Ebrenc, Climent addresses themes such as the mental burden of motherhood, the consequences of patriarchal authority, life choices, missed opportunities, and the job precarity of young people. She does this with the sense of humor that characterizes her so well and has become her own hallmark.” El Nacional.


“At Home We Had an Anthem demonstrates that Maria Climent has burst onto the Catalan literary scene to stay. [...] Climent portrays this family constellation marked by secrecy, exuding humor and tenderness that once again smooths the gravity of the plot. [...] The best of the book is how the author plays on language, as well as her ability to sketch everyday life scenes with a simultaneously cheery and deep gaze that leaves the reader with a half-smile on their face.” El Periódico


French/ Éditions des Femmes


A casa teníem un himne (At Home We Had an Anthem)

