Stand By Me: A Guide to Navigating Modern, Meaningful Caregiving


類別 : 健康養生
頁數 : 352
出版 : S&S/Simon Element, 2024 年 2 月 27 日
版本 : 精裝版
版權窗口 : 繁體博達代理Mengying / 简体博達代理Mengying


  • 這時代極需的全新照護方法:幫助讀者面對照護責任,和照護過程帶來的情緒起伏。





這就是為什麼Allison Applebaum博士於2011年在紀念斯隆凱特琳醫院創立了「照護者診所」(Caregivers Clinic),這是美國唯一明確致力於滿足非正式護理人員需求的綜合服務。憑藉十年的臨床和研究經驗以及分享自己的個人照護之旅,Applebaum博士開發了一個計劃,將基本的實用工具與以意義為中心的心理治療方法相結合,以説明照護者及其親人如何能夠在他們需要的支援下應對疾病。


《與我同在》以Applebaum博士十年來的臨床研究、自己擔任父親照護者的經驗構成。她的父親是傳奇作曲家史丹利.阿布勒鮑姆(Stanley Applebaum),人生末段在女兒的長期照護下度過。這本書將實用工具和「照護者診所」顛覆性的支援交到讀者手中,使讀者能幫助所愛之人擁有高品質的生命和照護。本書提供珍貴的見解和資訊,成為照護旅途的資源。本書涵蓋幾個重要主題:







艾莉絲. J.阿布勒鮑姆(Allison Applebaum)博士,為臨床心理學家,專精心理腫瘤學(psycho- oncology)。該領域致力於為癌症對個人帶來的心理健康影響提供支持。她為精神醫學機構、斯隆.凱特琳紀念癌症中心(Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center,MSK)行為科學的副心理學者,也擔任紐約威爾康奈爾醫學院(Weill Cornell Medical College)精神病學心理學副教授。她於斯隆.凱特琳紀念癌症中心創立「照護者診所」(Caregivers Clinic)。 「照護者診所」針對斯隆.凱特琳紀念癌症中心的癌症病患照護者——家庭成員和親朋好友——而設,提供他們心理社會照顧。這是世界上第一間提供此服務的機構。


“[Stand By Me] offers advice on juggling the responsibilities and emotional struggles of caregiving…The book covers topics like navigating medical care, advance care planning and how to navigate ever-changing relationship dynamics.”—Care.Com


Stand By Me is a rich resource of invaluable information and expert advice for caregivers written by a caregiver and expert psychologist. Like a master clinician, Dr. Applebaum supportively defines what are necessary skills for caregivers and how to learn them; emphasizes the critical need for self care for the caregiver; and describes what psychological supports are available to help caregivers find meaning in a role that is often frightening, lonely, and unwanted. It needs to be read by caregivers and all healthcare professionals as they struggle to make caregivers collaborators in the healthcare team. --Dr Kathleen M. Foley ,Emeritus Member, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Emeritus Professor of Neurology, Weill Cornell Medical College


"Stand By Me, first and foremost, is a book about the love between a daughter and father navigating the challenges of illness and loss. It contains deep wisdom and guidance, offering comfort to those entering into the realm of caregiver. With kindness, humanity, and the insights of someone who knows about being a family caregiver, personally and professionally, Dr. Applebaum shows us how we can stand by and care for the people in our lives who matter during their time of need." --Dr. Harvey Max Chochinov, Distinguished Professor of Psychiatry, author of Dignity in Care: The Human Side of Medicine


"Warm, compassionate, and brimming with wisdom and expert advice born of the author’s deep personal and professional experience, Dr. Allison Applebaum’s Stand By Me sets the new gold standard for caregiving guides. This book is an indispensable read for anyone whose life is touched by caregiving—which is everyone." —Kate Washington, author of Already Toast: Caregiving and Burnout in America


"Stand by Me is a powerful and insightful look into the realities of family caregiving in America. Dr. Applebaum blends her lived experience with deep professional expertise to offer a practical framework for navigating the challenges that shape caregiving, making the physical and emotional work of caregiving more sustainable." - Jason Resendez, President and CEO, the National Alliance for Caregiving


“This is a must-read for caregivers, in what is almost always a difficult, meaningful, or confusing time. Stand by Me is a perfect mix of caregiver memoir, love letter, how-to-guide, self-help and policy treatise on the U.S.’s approach to caregiving and workplace policies that facilitate care all wrapped into one. It will help caregivers feel less alone and more empowered in their own caregiving relationship, with the health system, and as an advocate for a different national approach to work, family, and care.” —Vicki Shabo, Senior Fellow, New America


"In combining powerful storytelling with practical tools and strategies, Dr. Applebaum has highlighted the issue of caregiver burden while providing us a sustainable way forward. Stand By Me is a treasure for caregivers, their care recipients and supporters, and all the rest of us who will someday need this book." —Jessica Zitter, MD, MPH, Founder, Reel Medicine Media


"Thoughtful, sensitive, highly practical, easy to read and based in personal and professional experience, Stand By Me is a book to be put to use by family carers and one that will also help them in their quest for meanings that can keep them going." —Arthur Kleinman, author of The Soul of Care


Stand By Me: A Guide to Navigating Modern, Meaningful Caregiving

