It's Not You: Identifying and Healing from Narcissistic People


類別 : 自我成長
頁數 : 368
出版 : The Open Field, 2024 年 2 月 20 日
版本 : 精裝版
版權窗口 : 繁體博達代理Kathryn / 简体版權已售


由心理學家和傑出自戀型人格專家杜瓦蘇拉 (Ramani Durvasula) 博士執筆,具有變革意義的心靈指南,引導你如何對身邊難以察覺到的自戀型人格障礙者採取自我療癒和保護。


判斷自己身邊是否存在自戀者並非易事,這樣的人格障礙者今天可能散發個人魅力吸引你的注意,隔天卻對你進行心理操縱 (gaslighting),打擊你的自信,逼得你不得不懷疑人生:「究竟是哪一步走錯了?」




書中側寫受虐者承受的身心創傷,探討自戀者如何挾持我們的情緒和健康,同時指引一條自我療癒的路經。作者憑借超過二十年的研究、教學和幫助客戶應對自戀者的經驗,揭開這一常被誤解的人格特質,教你如何辨認眼前可能就是自戀者的跡象,避免陷入有毒的關係。你將逐步了解如何抵抗心理操縱行為,瓦解將我們困在虐待死循環的創傷束縛 (trauma bonds),在哀痛中悼念所失,劃清切合實際的底線,學習洞察的美學,在長期遭受他人否定後重新找回自我意識 (sense of self)。


經歷情感虐待後的療傷之路並不好走,但崎嶇之路總有盡頭,首要的第一步:別再試圖改變自戀者,停止自我譴責,允許自己擁有在這段關係以外的自主權 (autonomy) 和自我意識。




Part I: The Narcissistic Relationship

1. Clarifying Narcissism

2. Death by a Thousand Cuts: The Narcissistic Relationship

3. The Fallout: The Impact of Narcissistic Abuse

Part II: Recognition, Recovery,Healing, and Growth

4. Understand Your Backstory

5. Embrace Radical Acceptance

6. Grief and Healing from Narcissistic Relationships

7. Become More Narcissist Resistant

8. Heal and Grow When You Stay

9. Rewrite Your Story


拉瑪妮.杜瓦蘇拉 (Dr. Ramani Durvasula) 博士是持證照的臨床心理師,加州州立大學洛杉磯分校心理學名譽教授,以及LUNA教育訓練諮詢公司創辦人暨CEO。在廣受大眾歡迎的個人YouTube頻道和社群平台帳號@DoctorRamani談論自戀情結和走出自戀型虐待的療癒過程,也是自我成長類型播客《Navigating Narcissism with Dr. Ramani》主持人。本書是杜瓦蘇拉博士的第四本著作。


“A compassionate roadmap and survival guide for people in narcissistic relationships, helping them understand how to heal and thrive during and after these challenging relationships.”

–– 傑.謝帝 (Jay Shetty),著有《僧人心態:從道場到職場,訓練你的心,過著平靜而有目標的每一天》(Think Like A Monk)


“A must read. Dr. Ramani will teach you how to heal from any toxic relationship. With her expert advice based on decades of research and clinical experience, she makes the impossible seem possible.”

–– 梅爾.羅賓斯 (Mel Robbins),著有《調校心態:舉起手,伸開5指,跟自己擊掌,做自己最強的啦啦隊!全球千萬網友實證的轉念習慣》(The High Five Habit and host of The Mel Robbins Podcast)


“In writing It's Not You, Dr. Durvasula directly addresses victims of narcissistic abuse with targeted advice developed through years of clinical experience and research. I would highly recommend this book to anyone struggling in a relationship with a narcissist. Once you realize it's not you who is the problem, you can become the solution.”

–– 基斯.坎貝爾 (W. Keith Campbell, PhD),著有《自戀時代:現代人,你為何這麼愛自己?》(The Narcissism Epidemic)



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It's Not You: Identifying and Healing from Narcissistic People

