No Longer Radical: Understanding Mastectomies and Choosing the Breast Cancer Care That’s Right for You


類別 : 健康養生
頁數 : 320
出版 : Simon Element, 2023 年 5 月 16 日
版本 : 精裝版
版權窗口 : 繁體博達代理Mengying / 简体博達代理Mengying



Rachel Brem乳房放射學家和Christy Teal乳房外科醫生,他們都曾做出過切除乳房的個人決定。《治療乳癌》是每一位曾接觸過乳癌的人的必讀之作。喬治-華盛頓大學乳癌治療領域的領先專家─Rachel Brem博士是乳房影像主任,Christy Teal博士是乳房護理中心的外科主任--他們為檢測、預防和治療這種疾病制定了一份拯救生命的指南。此書將幫助有需要的讀者,把對醫療保健的控制權交到了你自己手中。當女性的病史使她們有患乳癌的風險時,作者在此書告訴了我們一些必須思考的基本問題,包括:




瑞秋˙布倫 (Rachel Brem)博士是國際知名的乳癌專家,她在開發和實施新技術以改善乳癌檢測方面發揮了作用。她致力於消除醫療保健方面的差異。她是喬治˙華盛頓大學的教授和乳房影像與干預主任,放射學系副主席,以及佈雷姆基金會的首席醫學顧問和共同創始人。

克利斯蒂˙蒂爾(Christy Teal)博士是喬治-華盛頓大學醫學院附屬醫院的乳房護理中心主任和乳房外科主任,同時也是外科副教授。自2001年加入華盛頓大學的教師隊伍以來,蒂爾博士和她的同事們開發了一個前沿、全面、以病人為中心的乳房護理中心,將補充醫學與最新的技術和手術創新相結合。


“An invaluable, forthright, upbeat resource.” —Booklist

“I didn't know it, but No Longer Radical is the book I've been waiting for, causing me to stop averting my eyes and closing my ears every time the topic of breast cancer comes up. With beautiful writing and clear explanation of every part of mastectomies and other treatments, the gifted authors make this dreaded subject more manageable, and with less reason now to fear this terrible disease. “ —Seth M. Siegel, author, New York Times bestseller Let There Be Water: Israel's Solution for a Water-Starved World

"Hold No Longer Radical in your hand as an expertly crafted compass to help navigate the irreversible choice of mastectomy. Writing from both personal experiences and professional perspectives, Drs. Brem and Teal offer proof that the path of mastectomy is no longer paved with shame and suffering, but with individualized choice and profound beauty." —Kristi Funk, MD, Breast Cancer Surgeon, Bestselling author BREASTS: The Owner’s Manual, Women’s Health Warrior at

“Equal parts personal experience and health care navigation master class, No Longer Radical gives women all of the tools they need to understand their breast health. Written by two breast cancer physicians who had to make their own big decisions, it is a deeply researched guide that is just as readable as it is educational.” —Leslie Schrock, author of Bumpin' and Fertility Rules


No Longer Radical: Understanding Mastectomies and Choosing the Breast Cancer Care That’s Right for You

