My Mighty Biology
厲害了, 我的生物
My son was my “laboratory mouse”!
When smallpox threatened the world, people tried everything to fight it and Dr. Edward Jenner was one of them. He discovered that people who had cowpox wouldn’t get smallpox! He needed more cases to prove it so he needed a few “laboratory mice” (in this case it’s human)…. And he even made his son to be one of the “mice”!
Save the country! Could the lack of wine destroy a country?
In France, wine making was a very important industry. However, it was so hard to maintain the quality of wine. Wine turned sour easily and this caused a big loss to the wine producers. Microbiologist Louis Pasteur decided to help them. He discovered lactic acid bacteria, which made the wine become sour. His study not only saved the wine producers but also explored contemporary microbiology studies.
Combining humorous memes and popular slangs from the internet, the authors turned boring and tedious bioscience history and knowledge into interesting stories that are easy to understand. After reading this book, I really wished that my biology teacher taught me like the authors did!
Dedicating all his life to writing popular science, Jen-fu is the moderator of science forum and the “king of science” on PTT, one of the biggest internet forums in Taiwan. He has a wide range of knowledge in science like Newtonian mechanics, Quantum mechanics, Thermal, Acoustic, Optics, Electricity, DNA, Antibiotics, and even ancient Chinese Science. His science articles are tending and contain memes based on current affairs and popular animation, welcomed by PTT netizens and readers.

Ming-teng has been teaching students from 7th to 9th grade physical and chemical for over 20 years. His teaching combines creativity with interdisciplinary learning. For him, teaching science is like bringing dreams to students. He has won many awards for teachers like The First Prize of Super Teachers in Taiwan (2013), 100 Creative Teachers (2014) and Future Education of Taiwan (2017), etc..