
類別 : 科幻小說
頁數 : 464
出版 : MCD, 2022 年 10 月 4 日
版本 : 精裝版
版權窗口 : 繁體博達代理Changchih / 简体版權已售Changchih


“帶著驚悚的心和科幻的腦袋,《海中之山》為你帶來了令人毛骨悚然的閱讀經驗。書中包含了人工智能、新生動物的感知、兇殘的無人飛行機:就像科幻小說家威廉·吉布森 (William Gibson)或瑪格麗特·愛特伍(Margaret Atwoo)的故事一樣,它帶來了所有的情節,但不曾忘記探討意識、生態滅絕和科學進步等更大的問題,這是一個真正獨一無二的故事。”——Kawai Strong Washburn,《Sharks in the Time of Saviors》作者




關於章魚已發展出自己語言和文化──成為危險、超智能物種的謠言已開始散播。海洋生物學家夏阮(Ha Nguyen)博士一生都在研究頭足類動物的智力,只要有機會能研究它們,她願意做任何事情。


崑崙群島(Con Dao Archipelago)的水中有東西。對當地人來說,水裡的東西是怪物。對於島上新成立的企業來說,這是一個機會。在不知道多少年的時間裡,這裡發展出第一個超越人類智能的有知覺物種。這個物種與人類不同,它們的身體是可塑的、可變形的、可移動的。它們可以交流。它們希望人類離開。






雷·奈勒(Ray Nayler)的《海中之山》是一部關於自然意識的近未來驚悚小說,是一部令人驚豔的文學處女作,也是對人類遺產寶藏和殘骸又一次令人興奮的探索。




雷的短篇小說廣受好評,並出現在許多雜誌和選集中,包括多部“年度最佳選集”中,他的作品《Winter Timeshare》被美國科幻小說家加德納·多祖(Gardner Dozois)選入“最佳中的最佳:35年年度最佳科幻小說”。《軌跡》雜誌(Locus)則稱雷為“嶄露頭角的科幻短篇小說大師之一”。他的中篇小說《A Rocket for Dimitrios》更是2021年《艾西莫夫科幻小說》雜誌的封面故事。






"Exciting, cerebral, and surprisingly compassionate, The Mountain in the Sea shines a light on the importance of our fragile ecosystem. Read this riveting novel if you love fresh takes on science fiction or you’re just fascinated by the mysteries of nature." ― Apple Books Review


"Nayler’s masterful debut combines fascinating science and well-wrought characters to deliver a deep dive into the nature of intelligent life. . . As entertaining as it is intellectually rigorous, this taut exploration of human―and inhuman―consciousness is a knockout." ― Publishers Weekly, starred review


"Less an science-fiction adventure than a meditation on consciousness and self-awareness, the limitations of human language, and the reasons for those limitations, the novel teaches as it engages." ― Kirkus Reviews


"With a thriller heart and a sci-fi head, The Mountain in the Sea delivers a spooky smart read. Artificial intelligence, nascent animal sentience, murderous flying drones: like the best of Gibson or Atwood, it brings all of the plot without forgetting the bigger questions of consciousness, ecocide, and scientific progress. Truly a one-of-a-kind story" ― Kawai Strong Washburn, author of Sharks in the Time of Saviors


"I came to The Mountain in the Sea for the cephalopods (I love cephalopods) but I stayed for the fascinating meditation on consciousness and personhood. I loved this book." ― Ann Leckie, author of Ancillary Justice


"Ray Nayler has taken on the challenge of a near future that's less certain than ever, and made it gleam -- not only with computer terminals and sentry drones (we love those, sure) but also polished coral and cephalopod eyes. From these pages, I got the sense of William Gibson, and Paolo Bacigalupi -- and Donna Haraway, and Octavia Butler. This is a planetary science fiction, and a profound new kind of adventure, featuring ― among so many other wonders ― the best villain I’ve read in years. In the end, the enormity and possibility of this novel's vision shook tears loose. What a ride; what a feeling; what a future." ― Robin Sloan, author of Mr. Penumbra’s 24-Hour Bookstore and Sourdough


"The Mountain in the Sea is a first-rate speculative thriller, by turns fascinating, brutal, powerful, and redemptive. The book poses profound questions about artificial and nonhuman intelligence, and its answers are tantalizing and provocative." ― Jeff VanderMeer, author of Annihilation


"I loved this novel’s brain and heart, its hidden traps, sheer propulsion, ingenious world-building and the purity of its commitment to luminous ideas." ― David Mitchell, author of Cloud Atlas


"The Mountain in the Sea is a wildly original, gorgeously written, unputdownable gem of a novel. Ray Nayler is one of the most exciting new voices I’ve read in years." ― Blake Crouch, author of Upgrade and Dark Matter


"Debut novelist Ray Nayler has written one of the most masterful science fiction novels to come along in some time. This near-future thriller takes place mostly on an archipelago off the coast of Vietnam, where a species of octopus appears to be developing culture. A multinational tech company has purchased and sealed off the islands for further study, and Dr. Ha Nguyen is there to research the creatures. There are others on the team, including Evrim, who is the first humanoid artificial intelligence to have been created, and indeed every character in this novel adds substantially to the story. I’ll be honest: I felt like this book broke my brain several times. It’s just so profound and well written. Ultimately, it’s a study of culture, language, consciousness, and the nature of intelligence, as well as a rumination on ambition and how we treat the world. It’s lyrical and thoughtful, and I'll immediately pick up the next Ray Nayler novel as soon as it’s available." ― Chris Schluep, Amazon Editor


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