The Cloisters: A Novel


類別 : 心理懸疑
頁數 : 320
出版 : Atria Books, 2022 年 11 月 1 日
版本 : 精裝版
版權窗口 : 繁體博達代理Mengying / 简体博達代理Mengying


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  • 藝術推理 x 心理懸疑的新生作家。
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安・史蒂薇爾(Ann Stilwell)大學畢業後就來到紐約,被分派到修道院博物館。這是一個以收藏中世紀藝術作品而聞名的博物館和花園。由充滿魅力的策展人派翠克·羅蘭 (Patrick Roland)所經營。他的一生大部分時間都在探索關於占卜的歷史文物。而深受影響的是他的策展助理,瑞秋·蒙德雷(Rachel Mondray),瑞秋(Rachel)不僅是有著美麗的外表,也是派翠克(Patrick)的謬思女神。而安(Ann)加入團隊後,也跟在瑞秋(Rachel)身邊工作。這個團隊的情感被一起死亡案件抹滅,一副珍貴罕見的15世紀塔羅牌浮出水面。現在,安(Ann)必須決定這副塔羅牌是否不僅可以帶她看透過去、還可以讀見自己的未來……






藝術領域專家,為塞拉學院(Sierra College)藝術史的兼任教授,並在加州大學伯克利分校攻讀藝術史博士學位。凱蒂曾在舊金山現代藝術博物館、奧賽博物館 (Musée d'Orsay)和克拉克藝術學院負責策展及研究,對於大型博物館幕後的複雜作業十分熟稔。


Like the moment before a thunderstorm on a summer afternoon, The Cloisters is sultry, lush, and trembling with menace.”

—JULIA MAY JONAS, author of Vladimir 


“A tantalizingly clever tale, laced with surprises as devious as its cast of shadowy scholars, The Cloisters had me gripped from cover to cover. Hays’s debut is diabolical and darkly entertaining, a masterwork of literary suspense that surges to an otherworldly conclusion.”

—MARK PRINS, author of The Latinist


“A story of academic obsession, Renaissance magic and the ruthless pursuit of power. Captivating in every sense of the word.”

—SARAH PEARSENew York Times bestselling author of The Sanatorium


“Sultry and sinister . . . Jaw-dropping.”

SARAH PENNER, New York Times bestselling author of The Lost Apothecary


“A tour de force by an important new voice . . . The Cloisters grabbed me in a way that no book has done since The Secret History.”

RACHEL KAPELKE-DALE, author of The Ballerinas


“Prepare to lose your entire afternoon to The Cloisters . . . Good luck staying ahead of this one and have a great time poring over the many treasures inside.”

MARIA HUMMEL, author of Reese’s Book Club Pick Still Lives


“Mesmerizing . . . The Cloisters does for tarot what The Secret History did for Greek class. This sharp, shadowy book held me in thrall from beginning to star-crossed end.”

—SARA SLIGAR, author of Take Me Apart


“A sharply smart, engaging debut . . . with dark surprises through its final pages. Hays’s smooth narration deftly conjures the complex, sexy webs between her characters . . . A fun, seductive, intelligent read.”

NICOLA DeROBERTIS-THEYE, author of The Vietri Project


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The Cloisters: A Novel

