REZOOM: The Powerful Reframe to End the Crash-and-Burn Cycle of Food Addiction


類別 : 健康養生
頁數 : 256
出版 : Hay House Inc., 2021 年 12 月 28 日
版本 : 精裝版
版權窗口 : 繁體博達代理Changchih / 简体博達代理Changchih


紐約時報暢銷書作者和明線飲食法(BRIGHT LINE EATING)的創始人蘇珊·皮爾斯·湯普森博士帶來最新著作,將幫助你終結復胖地獄和擺脫停滯期,以實現持續的體重減輕和持久的身材維持!




食物成癮不僅非常真實,而且是最難克服的成癮,治療過程總令人筋疲力盡和沮喪,但是蘇珊·皮爾斯·湯普森博士(Susan Peirce Thompson, Ph.D.)將提供你一個解決方法。


明線飲食法(BRIGHT LINE EATING)的創始人蘇珊·皮爾斯·湯普森博士藉其開創性的「重新啟動,重新塑造」(Rezoom Reframe)提供了一種概念化食物恢復的新方法。透過幫助你先瞭解成癮的心理成因和生物學起源,接著為你提供擺脫困境的系統式方法,以及避免復發和惡性停滯期的基本步驟。


蘇珊·皮爾斯·湯普森博士這本書更與內部家庭系統(IFS)從業者埃弗雷特·康斯丁(Everett Considine)合作,幫助你克服內心的阻力,以便你最終能夠在那些自我破壞的時刻保持在正軌上。讓蘇珊博士和埃弗雷特幫助你永久擺脫束縛,找到可持續的方式來管理你所吃的食物,並享受你最光明的生活。




美國羅切斯特大學大腦與認知科學兼職副教授、飲食心理學專家、可持續減重研究學會主席、明線飲食法(BRIGHT LINE EATING)解決方案公司創始人——該公司致力於幫助人們達成長期、可持續的減重效果。湯普森博士結合心理學專業所長,持續研究具有科學根據的減肥方法,開創了明線飲食法,教大家如何排除大腦對減肥行動的阻礙,瘦得更健康、更快樂。



是3級認證的內部家庭系統(IFS)從業者和轉型教練,擁有十多年的IFS經驗。他是明線飲食法(BRIGHT LINE EATING)創始者和老師。他已經培訓和指導了數千名明線飲食法的顧客,並幫助他們平靜地融入該計劃。他在冥想和東方靈性方面有深厚的背景,他和他的家人住在夏威夷毛伊島,他們在那裡舉辦轉型靜修會,並遠程指導客戶。


“Nobody gives people the tools to transform their food from a health liability to a longevity asset like Susan Peirce Thompson. Bright Line Eating is truly life-saving for people who have struggled for years to unshackle themselves from the scourge of processed-food addiction.” — Mark Hyman, M.D., New York Times best-selling author of The Pegan Diet


“I urge every doctor, therapist, health care practitioner, and most importantly every patient to read this book. Rezoom concisely and compassionately explains the emotional overlay that is a part of every person’s interaction with food, and provides tools and skills that are game-changing for the occasional emotional eater clear to the raging food addict.” — Wayne Dysinger, M.D., Board Chair, American Board of Lifestyle Medicine


“Therapists, social workers, eating disorders experts, and clinicians are unwittingly harming their patients when they spread the notion that food addiction is ‘controversial.’ The neuroscience is clear: food addiction is real. This book contains the best, scientifically based path to healing that I have seen.” — Dr. Joy Jacobs, J.D., Ph.D., eating disorders specialist and clinical faculty in Psychiatry, University of California San Diego School of Medicine


“From the founding of Bright Line Eating, I have witnessed firsthand the astounding results for people in our community struggling with tenacious food addiction. They are healing their bodies and minds at extraordinary rates never before documented, while turning away from the toxic industrial processed food complex and healing our planet.” — John Robbins, best-selling author of Diet for a New America and President, Food Revolution Network


“If you suffer from a food addiction, this is the book that will set you free. It is brilliant, beautifully written, and desperately needed. Dr. Thompson’s program not only works for weight loss, but it also works for optimal nutrition and health.” — Brenda Davis, RD, plant-based pioneer, speaker, and co-author of Nourish


“As a pediatrician with three decades of experience, the increasing rate of intractable obesity among my adolescent patients is nothing short of heartbreaking. I am so grateful to Dr. Susan Peirce Thompson and Bright Line Eating for this material contribution to saving me and the lives of my patients. She has changed my life and my practice, and she can change our world.” — Judi A. Krogstad, M.D., Pediatric Medical Advisor, Fresno Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Program


REZOOM: The Powerful Reframe to End the Crash-and-Burn Cycle of Food Addiction

