MARROM E AMARELO (英: Phenotypes)


類別 : 文學小說
頁數 : 160
出版 : Alfaguara, 2019 年 8 月 12 日
版本 : 精裝版
版權窗口 : 繁體博達代理Yu-Shiuan / 简体博達代理Yu-Shiuan


本書入圍2022年布克獎初選名單(long list)!
「在精巧構思的故事中對種族分類有啟發性思考,根據膚色劃分出兩兄弟……值得細細閱讀!」——《衛報》(The Guardian)
「反種族歧視在執行上有多困難……這就是將根深蒂固的系統性問題視為膚淺的不足之處。」——《紐約時報書評》(New York Times Book Review)
「他是最傑出的巴西作家之一!」——約翰·基恩 (John Keene)


隨著費德里科五十歲生日的臨近,他加入了巴西首都的一個政府委員會。 它的任務是通過監督軟件程序的設計來平息巴西日益激烈的學生抗議活動,這個軟體能夠排除種族審核中因為人為、主觀意識的大學管理人員產生的裁定問題,該程序將裁定每個大學在新的平權行動配額下,確保黑人申請者的錄取保證名額。 


保羅·斯科特在這部小說裡探討了巴西種族的舊傷,特別是獨立於奴隸制歷史黑人認同身份的喪失。 探索而不說教,一個關於犯罪、街頭生活和遺憾的故事,就像一部關於思想的諷刺小說,憤怒與和解的交織的完美傑作。本書原著葡萄牙文,英文版已於2022年1月4日由And Other Stories出版,240頁,有電子書稿備索。


1966年出生於巴西南部的阿雷格里港(Porto Alegre)。在大學期間積極參與學生政治運動,也經歷了巴西民主化。過去十年在阿雷格里港的大學教授法律,至今已經出版了五本小說和四本詩歌,同時也是一名英文譯者。於2008年搬到里約熱內盧,目前專注於全職寫作。


“Phenotypes demonstrates how the traumas of growing up in a racist society can propel a person of color forward while never letting them escape their past.” —Southwest Review


“Phenotypes underscores how difficult antiracist projects can be at any scale…Scott’s characters quickly abandon the possibility of a comprehensive solution in favor of stopgap measures that may or may not work. Such are the inadequacies, the novel asserts, of treating entrenched and systemic issues as if they are only skin-deep.” —New York Times Book Review


“This is an artfully plotted tale about race, privilege and guilt…Phenotypes educates and entertains in equal measure.” —The Observer


“Phenotypes is…brilliant and emotionally resonant. I put it down days ago, and I'm still walking around with it.” —Star Tribune


“A compelling exploration of the fraught reality of race relations in Brazil . . . there is much that English-speaking readers stand to gain from the considered, quiet fury of Paulo Scott’s novel, not least the expansion of and challenge to modern-day discourses on race.” —Times Literary Supplement


“Phenotypes is a complex, stream-of-consciousness novel about race, culture, and deciding for oneself where one belongs.” —Foreword Reviews


“[A] profound story of colorism and familial loyalty set in Brazil…The multiple layers combine for a mesmerizing and mature story.” —Publishers Weekly starred review


“Scott pours out his indictment of Brazil in long, overflowing sentences that are equal parts outrage and cutting humor. Originally titled Brown and Yellow when it was published in Portuguese…it is not easy to shake off.” Kirkus Review


“A blistering examination of Brazil's fraught racial history told through two brothers, one light-skinned and one dark-skinned.” —Katie Goh, i-D (Books to Read 2022)


“Federico, the white-passing mixed-race narrator of Paulo Scott’s stirring new novel Phenotypes, grips you from his opening words, and what a story he has to tell. Ostensibly sending up a Brazilian governmental bureaucracy’s attempts to address problems with the racial quota system in its higher education, Scott quickly shows that he has penned a profound, coruscating exploration of race, racism, colorism, family dynamics, class, culture, regionalism, politics, radicalism, and so much more. Scott’s intricate, ironic, entrancing narration, skillfully rendered into English by Daniel Hahn, confirms Scott as one of Brazil’s finest contemporary writers.” —John Keene


“Scott seems to have managed to produce a novel that will survive the test of time, a profound interpretation of our time and our country.” —Folha de São Paulo

“[Phenotypes’] deftly engaging plot . . . twists and turns while exploring race, brotherhood, privilege, and the lasting impact of guilt. Hahn’s translation is exemplary, and although this is not an easy read, it is a journey worth taking.”—Joshua Rees, Buzz


“Phenotypes is innovative, deftly precise in its form, and utterly profound in its content. Scott’s work in bringing contemporary urgencies into fiction is uncomfortable and often unsettling, but necessary—and, ultimately, unforgettable.” —Rachel Farmer, Asymptote


  • Longlisted for the International Booker Prize 2022
  • Selected as one of 19 titles to win the flagship translation awards of the English PEN 2020


Poland: GlowBook 

Portugal: Tinta da China 2020 

Kuwait: Dar Alkhan 

Spain: Urubú (Hueders) (Spanish world rights) ·

UK: And Other Stories 2022


MARROM E AMARELO (英: Phenotypes)

