Kill Me Again

下一個就是我 (簡體中文版書名)

類別 : 驚悚懸疑
頁數 : 348
出版 : Black Dot Publishing, 2016 年 2 月 17 日
版本 : 平裝版
版權窗口 : 繁體博達代理David / 简体博達代理David





A woman is dead. She looks like you.

When Maggie Taylor calls her husband to say she is on her way home from work, she is horrified to discover that her two young children are alone in the house, abandoned by their father.

Duncan doesn’t come home that night, or the next. Where he has gone, and why? All she knows is that he received a message on his phone just before he left - a text with a terrifying picture that only her eight-year-old son saw.

And then Maggie discovers she’s not the only one looking for him. Who is he running from?

DCI Tom Douglas is brought in to investigate when a woman who looks just like Maggie is brutally murdered, and Maggie begins to realise how little she knows about her husband’s past.

She doesn’t have long to decide whether to trust him or betray him, because one thing has been made clear. Another woman will die soon, and it could be her.

A fast-paced, edge of your seat psychological thriller that will take you on a rollercoaster right to the last page.


作者瑞秋‧艾布特(Rachel Abbott)自助出版小說發跡,被喻為心理驚悚小說女王,《謀殺遊戲》版權目前已授權日本角川書店(Kadokawa Shoten)、丹麥、法國、德國、義大利、波蘭、葡萄牙與斯洛伐克。《謀殺遊戲》美國版的書名是The Invitation。博達還代理此作者其它小說,歡迎來信查詢版權索取書稿。


下一個就是我 (簡體中文版書名)

Kill Me Again

下一個就是我 (簡體中文版書名)
