The River Is Waiting
#贖罪 #失業 #低潮 #家庭關係 #和解
「《河流在等待》是一部雄心且令人動容的小說,它不畏直視人類的苦難,細緻描繪我們對他人和自身造成的痛楚。沃利·蘭姆(Wally Lamb)以毫不妥協的視角和對角色無矯情卻深切的憐憫,在最黑暗的角落中找尋希望、療癒與人性的善良微光。」——湯姆·佩羅塔(Tom Perrotta),《The Leftovers》和《Little Children》暢銷作家
If we go down, then we go down together
兩度獲選歐普拉讀書俱樂部推薦書籍《She's Come Undone》和《I Know This Much Is True》的#1《紐約時報》暢銷作家,帶來令人深省的故事:一位年輕父親在無法承受的悲劇後,試圖探尋贖罪與原諒的可能性。
科比·萊德貝特(Corby Ledbetter)的人生陷入混亂。初為人父的壓力、失去工作的挫敗,以及日益加深的秘密成癮,讓他與摯愛的妻子艾蜜莉(Emily)之間的婚姻搖搖欲墜。而這一切,還只是導致家庭分崩離析的悲劇開始。

沃利.蘭姆 (Wally Lamb)是六部紐約時報暢銷小說的作者,分別是《I'll Take You There》、《We Are Water》、《Wishin' and Hopin'》、《The Hour I First Believed》、《I Know This Much Is True》和《She's Come Undone》。Lamb 也編輯了《Couldn't Keep It to Myself》和《I'll Fly Away》兩本書,這是來自他在康奈爾州 York Correctional Institution(康奈爾州的女子監獄)寫作工作坊的學生們的散文集,他在那裡擔任了二十年的志工主持人。他與妻子住在康奈爾州,他們有三個兒子。
"A heartwrenching, moving tale about the power of forgiveness, resilience and growth." --Woman's World, "12 Most Anticipated Books of 2025"
"I was awestruck by this brilliant novel! I know that "authenticity" isn't the sexiest takeaway, but on my honor, page after riveting page, I asked myself, "How did he know this? How is this so moving, so real, so close to the bone?" Bravo, Wally Lamb. Not that you needed another masterpiece to demonstrate your unerring eye, ear, and signature heart, but may I say The River is Waiting might crown them all." --Elinor Lipman, author of Every Tom, Dick & Harry and Ms. Demeanor
"As usual, Wally Lamb gripped me with his perceptive, page-turning novel, The River Is Waiting, a story that illuminates how the traumas of mass incarceration and addiction stigma spare no one. Lamb delivers what's most needed in these turbulent times--an absolute empathy bomb." --Beth Macy, author of Dopesick and Raising Lazarus
"Time and time again, the amazing Wally Lamb's imperfect people break our hearts and help us understand the unfathomable depths of guilt and grief as we look for light in the world." --Alice Hoffman, New York Times bestselling author of The Practical Magic series
"The River is Waiting is an ambitious, affecting novel that's not afraid to look directly at human suffering, and to map out the pain we inflict on others, and on ourselves. With an unflinching eye and an unsentimental compassion for his characters, Wally Lamb finds glimmers of hope and healing and decency in the darkest places." --Tom Perrotta, New York Times bestselling author of The Leftovers and Little Children