“作為一部懸疑小說,格拉姆斯的小說同樣扣人心弦;這也是一部令人深感滿意的人物研究,一個局外人對一個地方的瞭解超出了她的預期。” ──《出版人週刊》(員工夏季最佳推薦) (Publishers Weekly (Best of Summer, Staff Pick))
《史黛拉又一次的死亡》(The Seven or Eight Deaths of Stella Fortuna)的暢銷書作者茱麗葉‧格拉姆斯(Juilet Grames)為我們帶來了一部情節曲折離奇、但又風趣感人的小說,講述了一位年輕的美國女性在義大利南部的一個小村莊變身為業餘偵探的故事。
1960 年,卡拉布里亞(Calabria)。法蘭西斯卡‧洛夫特菲爾德(Francesca Loftfield)──一個 27 歲,滿懷希望的美國人,來到了與世隔絕的山村聖奇奧尼亞(Santa Chionia),負責開辦一所幼稚園。這裡沒有公路、沒有醫生、沒有自來水和電。由於最近一場洪水沖走了郵局,這裡也沒有郵件。

是《史黛拉又一次的死亡》(The Seven or Eight Deaths of Stella Fortuna)暢銷書的作者。她是紐約蘇活出版社(Soho Press)的編輯總監,她負責廣受好評的蘇活犯罪分社。她曾為美國線上文學期刊《Words Without Borders》撰寫文章,並出版了她的故事〈獨白〉(Monologue),榮獲Glass Woman獎項、OpenCity Trophy的亞軍和南方百萬作品獎。她的散文和短篇小說曾刊登在《Real Simple》、《Parade》和《波士頓環球報》上,她還獲得過美國推理作家協會頒發的艾勒里・昆恩獎(Ellery Queen Award)。她出生在康涅狄格州哈特福城的郊外,在義大利裔美國人家庭中成長。
"Atmospheric. . . . Grames writes with a keen eye and a gift for earthy simile." —Wall Street Journal
"Grames structures this deeply compelling, well-crafted mystery in a Golden Age style reminiscent of classics by Agatha Christie and Dorothy L. Sayers. Yet the literary heart of this brilliant novel, its probing meditations on class, power, and the inevitability of crime, is rendered with the same nuance and intensity as Elena Ferrante’s Neapolitan quartet." —Boston Globe
“Imagine Italy and your mind might run to Renaissance art and ancient ruins. Piazzas and porticoes. Sunshine, spritzes and espresso. A dramatically different version of the country awaits readers of The Lost Boy of Santa Chionia, one equally captivating but far more unsettling and perilous. . . . The novel feints at being a thriller, but it is more consistently the coming-of-age story of a nosy, idealistic and arrogant young woman. . . . Her story has plenty to teach about the potential pitfalls of good intentions and the fictional Santa Chionia is an enchanting destination.” —Minneapolis Star Tribune
“Grames has created a village teeming with life. . . . There are lovely moments of human connection, humor and a romance. . . . She makes excellent use of the area’s dramatic landscape: as the suspense heats up, Francesca finds herself in increasingly dangerous situations. . . . Grames’s expertise, eye for detail and verisimilitude shine on every page.” —BookPage
"I enjoyed this immersive novel of family secrets in an isolated community in Italy. Shades of Ferrante." —Ian Rankin, via Twitter
“An elaborate puzzle of mystery, crime, and romance that will resonate with readers.” —Library Journal
“A suspenseful tale . . . will please readers who enjoy stories with a strong sense of place.” —Booklist
“As a mystery, Grames’s novel is as gripping as they come; it’s also a deeply satisfying character study of an outsider learning more about a place than she’d bargained for.” —Publishers Weekly (Best of Summer, Staff Pick)
“A beautiful novel, filled with riches, not the least of which are its evocative setting in the Calabrian hills, and its cast of vivid characters, large and small, who will stay with you long after you’ve turned the final page.” —Dan Fesperman, author of Winter Work
“Grames shines in this intriguing story of buried secrets in an isolated Southern Italian village . . . She excels at rendering the experiences of living as a stranger in a close-knit community . . . and she manages to keep the reader guessing as to the truth about who was murdered and why. This is a superior literary mystery.” —Publishers Weekly (starred)
“A compassionate, compelling novel of a young woman looking to do good in the world and find purpose in her life.” —Book Riot
"Rich in both geographical detail and vibrant personalities... At heart, this novel is a feminine epic about an intelligent, altruistic woman who is searching for her personal identity and her purpose in society. It is well worth reading." —Historical Novel Review
“A beautifully written novel, filled with lavish descriptions. . . . Juliet Grames has created a wonderful world. She explores the community, its setting amidst the rugged Aspromonte massif, its history as the brigand capital of Italy, and its marvelously and wonderfully drawn characters in a novel that is both literate and literary. . . . Grames also has a sly sense of humor. . . . I really loved this book.” —Ted Hertel, Deadly Pleasures
"[Grames] has spun out an immersive literary mystery that seizes assured control of the reader’s five senses. It’s that evocative—and also funny as hell . . . An adventure well worth taking." —The Day