I You We Them: Journeys Beyond Evil: The Desk Killer in History and Today

桌面屠夫: 歷史中不為人知的邪惡

類別 : 社會科學
頁數 : 1104
出版 : William Heinemann, 2019 年 11 月 14 日
版本 : 精裝版
版權窗口 : 繁體博達代理David / 简体版權已售


'The sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be good or evil.' Hannah Arendt

‘Monsters exist but they are too few in number to be truly dangerous; more dangerous are the common men, functionaries ready to believe and act without asking questions’ Dan Gretton




David常覺得資本主義、國族主義蒙蔽了很多人的良心,很多時候因為方便因為便宜形塑了我們的消費習慣。如果今天大家購買的生活商品或食品是來自童工或是集中營的奴工,不曉得大家是否還能夠放心的使用或食用。你我都會因為石油漲價而抱怨,但可曾想過石油公司是否在哪個第三世界因開採石油製造汙染或甚至導致環保人士被拘補或處決嗎? 如果我們每一個人都不去關心我們日常中吃的穿的用的是否涉及剝削勞工、原住民、或其它第三世界的國家,那也許你和我也都成了某種的「桌面屠夫」。


2019年David去了台東都蘭參加了阿米斯音樂節(https://csr.cw.com.tw/article/41295),接觸到了很多從來沒思考的問題,比方台東觀光的發展是對財團有利還是對當地的原助民有利? 原住民傳統領域因為歷史時空背景被劃歸各政府機關或國營事業管理,部落的年輕人無法使用只好離開,一直到了近幾年越來越多人瞭解傳統領域的重要性,並給予部落更多的話語權決定他們可以如何使用,或至少可以阻止財團興建大飯店或開採礦產(比方說美麗灣飯店事件)。舉辦阿米斯音樂節的都蘭鼻先前被規劃成垃圾掩埋場(這是真的,David一直到了參加音樂節才知道這件事),2003年身兼劇作家和演員的陳明才跳海自殺守護都蘭鼻這塊阿美族人的祖靈聖地。2019年在歌手舒米恩的努力之下成功的在這塊土地舉辦了兩天的阿米斯音樂節吸引了八千多人來參加,坐在草地上聆聽音樂是多麼美好的回憶。或許在讀完《桌面屠夫: 歷史中不為人知的邪惡》我們可以去思考我們可以怎麼做來讓世界更好,而不是選擇閉眼轉身安於現況。比方作者提問如果你投資的基金暗地投資軍火業,也許你從來沒有拿槍殺過任何人,但你是否也負有任何責任,你能如何過著道德面對自己的良心。


★作者打算以四季來串起他的劄記與對人性、歷史事見的觀察,目前已出版的第一卷Volume 1是冬季與春季,之後出版的第二卷會寫夏季與秋季。因為出版的形式太特別,作者經紀公司表示可以申請以季節區分來出版或其它可行的方式,不用比照國外上下兩卷一卷一千多頁的形式來出版。


《桌面屠夫: 歷史中不為人知的邪惡》是討論危害人性歷史事件的空前研究,近一百年來慘絕人寰的屠殺、戰爭、種族清洗追根究底竟然往往是辦公室幾個人的決定。像是被稱作“希特勒的建築師”的阿爾伯特·斯佩爾(Albert Speer)或是荷蘭皇家殼牌石油公司介入了謀殺奈及利亞環保人士奧格尼(Ogoni)活動家肯·薩羅-維瓦(Ken Saro-Wiwa)。作者丹·格裡頓(Dan Gretton)在書中還原了到底是哪些人在辦公室裡頭透過文書、電話、電腦下達指令,沒透過槍就達到殺人的目標。


丹·格裡頓(Dan Gretton)花了二十多年採訪納粹集中營大屠殺的倖存者以及犯罪者的告白,翻閱查證數以千計的檔案文獻與證詞寫出這本曠世巨作。丹·格裡頓想透過他的書讓我們深入瞭解這些桌面屠夫的心理狀態,也是他個人對於資本主義、國族主義的反思。書中歷史研究分析中穿插作者漫步林間回想失去的愛以及數千年以來人類持續面臨的道德難題。《桌面屠夫: 歷史中不為人知的邪惡》不只是一本社科歷史的钜作,也是心理學個人內心的剖析與反省。


結合歷史、報導文學與回憶錄,《桌面屠夫: 歷史中不為人知的邪惡》是創新的劄記,試圖紀錄與瞭解人性面臨的難題。我們隨同作者一窺黑暗之心,重新檢視時間、地點與身份認同。作者寫到「殺人的方式或許已經改變,但桌面屠夫仍與我們同在」,讓人不禁打了冷顫。


丹·格里頓(Dan Gretton)是作者、社會運動者同時也是一位老師。他先前就讀劍橋大學,他在學校共同創立了Platform這個先驅政治藝術組織。他探討人權與和平議題,如1980年代的反核運動,以及當代人權侵犯的議題。他在倫敦大學伯貝克學院(Birkbeck, University of London)成立了身體政治的藝術與社會運動社團。丹·格裡頓目前居住在倫敦。


"Great books never occur out of a desire for greatness, but often out of a possessed persistence in the face of a chosen and immensely difficult task. This is such a book. In it, through it, a century speaks to us – not with the thunderous voice of History, but in the intimate voice of a sequence of confessions." (John Berger)


"A book of extraordinary importance and urgency – we need this book now. For its determined, passionate, and vulnerable seeking; for its insistence on what matters. Climate catastrophe tells us the reach of the desk killer has never been greater. We must take the hope and political will in this book as our own: forged in darkness and therefore – inextinguishable."


"Not since Gitta Sereny’s vast script of Into That Darkness arrived on my desk have I read anything so disturbing as the early draft of Dan Gretton’s book. I was shaken to the core by his brilliant treatment of the Wannsee meeting… The book seemed to be humming with life... much more alive than anything I’ve read for ages... I’m certainly grateful for having been given the chance to read this amazing work."


"A complex and exceptional book. Gretton's determination to bear witness so long after the events themselves does not diminish the power of his story. On the contrary his decision to make it personal intensifies the impact... The book highlights how society in general is susceptible to a form of collective amnesia, a wish not to confront the troubling details in its past. John Berger observed that "the role of capitalism is to destroy history... to orientate all effort and imagination to that which is about to occur". Dan Gretton's profound moral effort in this book is a massive bulwark against that possibility and a guarantee that the truth will be heard." (New Statesman)


"Gretton raises profoundly unsettling questions about the capacity for doing evil that exists within all of us, and the ways in which the distancing effect of technology allows perpetrators to avoid thinking about the consequences of their actions." (Irish Times)


"Remarkably powerful . . . [a] compelling and modern investigation of the collective amnesia which so often operates in the telling of national histories, including our own." --Marck Cocker, The Spectator (UK)


"A complex and exceptional book. Gretton's determination to bear witness so long after the events themselves does not diminish the power of his story. On the contrary his decision to make it personal intensifies the impact... The book highlights how society in general is susceptible to a form of collective amnesia, a wish not to confront the troubling details in its past. John Berger observed that "the role of capitalism is to destroy history... to orientate all effort and imagination to that which is about to occur". Dan Gretton's profound moral effort in this book is a massive bulwark against that possibility and a guarantee that the truth will be heard." -- The New Statesman (UK)


"Gretton raises profoundly unsettling questions about the capacity for doing evil that exists within all of us, and the ways in which the distancing effect of technology allows perpetrators to avoid thinking about the consequences of their actions." --Hugh Linehan, The Irish Times

"[I You We Them] is worth persevering, though, as the writing has the power at times to mesmerise . . . Gretton is a brave man to have stared so long and intently at the subject." --Ian Thomson, Evening Standard (UK)

'Meticulous, clinical and sobering, a shockingly important and incisive book. It is a timely reminder that crimes against humanity are not committed by monsters but by ordinary men.'
– David Olusoga


‘Not since Gitta Sereny’s vast script of Into That Darkness arrived on my desk have I read anything so disturbing as the draft of Dan Gretton’s book. I was shaken to the core by his brilliant treatment of the Wannsee meeting… The book seemed to be humming with life... much more alive than anything I’ve read for ages... I’m certainly grateful for having been given the chance to read this amazing work.’
– Diana Athill


'A book of extraordinary importance and urgency - we need this book now. For its determined, passionate, and vulnerable seeking; for its insistence on what matters. Climate catastrophe tells us the reach of the desk killer has never been greater. We must take the hope and political will in this book as our own: forged in darkness and therefore inextinguishable.'
– Anne Michaels, author of Fugitive Pieces


A Spectator (UK) Best Book of 2019


英國(William Heinemann)、美國(Farrar, Straus and Giroux)

桌面屠夫: 歷史中不為人知的邪惡

I You We Them: Journeys Beyond Evil: The Desk Killer in History and Today

桌面屠夫: 歷史中不為人知的邪惡
