The Formula: How Rogues, Geniuses, and Speed Freaks Reengineered F1 into the World's Fastest-Growing Sport

再造F1: 流氓、天才與速度狂人如何將F1賽車改造成全球發展最快的運動

類別 : 社會科學
頁數 : 304
出版 : Mariner Books, 2024 年 3 月 12 日
版本 : 精裝版
版權窗口 : 繁體博達代理Mengying / 简体博達代理Mengying


「這本書很恰當的以緊湊的步調敘述了F1賽車的故事,其受歡迎程度正呈爆炸式增長....除了是讓賽車迷興奮不已的一本書,更是流暢體育寫作的典範 。」— Kirkus

「《再造F1》是一部研究深入、內容全面的商業報導作品,但卻讀起來就像一本小說。它以生動的筆觸講述了這項迷人、壯觀卻又卑鄙钚的全球運動不為人知 的歷史和爆炸式的發展。這本書提供了Netlfix劇集《飆速求生》中未提到、鮮為人知的F1賽車背景資料,是迄今為止有關F1賽車最偉大、最權威的書籍。這 是個曠世的運動故事。」— 《怪物隊長領導學》作者 Sam Walker


《華爾街日報》體育線記者及體育專題作者喬舒亞. 羅賓遜和喬納森. 克雷格講述F1賽車重新崛起的精彩傳奇故事,詳述由賽車痴迷者、迷人地點、機械工程天才、瀟灑賽車手和激烈競爭組成不拘一格的產業文化,並成為全球發展最快的運動。


幾十年來,F1賽車一直是國際體育賽事中的固定項目,這項運動從幾名技師在歐洲汽車維修廠實驗開始,發展成一個跨六大洲的全球盛大賽事、每年營收數十億美金的 龐大產業。 然而F1現今的成就絕非必然,這項賽事能在近幾年迅速崛起,得益於F1一直以來堅持不懈的變革精神。


以快車、巨額資金、時髦華麗的地點和出色的人物為背景,並以持續的變革與實驗為核心價值,F1賽車的複興實際上花了幾十年,從一個快要崩塌的體育產業,透過 巧計、大膽作為以及最重要的改造,成為世界上發展最快的運動。 《再造F1》講述了F1賽車史詩般的故事,當中既有荒誕的成功時刻,也有引人入勝的撞車事故,展現出F1 賽車最富傳奇色彩的車隊和人物的獨到見解,描繪出車手、企業、賽車 、競爭、充滿大膽嘗試和孤注一擲的精彩故事,塑造這項運動半個世紀的輝煌。


F1賽車的復興不僅僅是一個體育故事,它還講述了一個顛覆者的故事,透過現金與獨特的性格,加上體育賽事在娛樂時代中定位的全新見解,這個顛覆者在飽和的體育市場中 為F1賽車佔據了一席之地。


喬舒亞. 羅賓遜(Joshua Robinson)是《華爾街日報》的歐洲體育記者,並曾為《紐約時報》、《華盛頓郵報》和《運動畫刊》(Sports Illustrated)撰稿。

喬舒亞. 羅賓遜(Joshua Robinson)與喬納森. 克萊格(Jonathan Clegg)共同著有《The Club: How the English Premier League Became the Wildest, Richest, Most Disruptive Force in Sports》和《Messi vs. Ronaldo: One Rivalry, Two GOATs, and the Era That Remade the World's Game》兩本書。

喬納森. 克萊格(Jonathan Clegg)是《華爾街日報》的編輯,他的作品也曾刊登在《每日電訊報》(Daily Telegraph)、英國《獨立報》(Independent)和《FourFourTwo》雜誌上。


喬舒亞. 羅賓遜(Joshua Robinson)與喬納森. 克萊格(Jonathan Clegg)共同著有《The Club: How the English Premier League Became the Wildest, Richest, Most Disruptive Force in Sports》和《Messi vs. Ronaldo: One Rivalry, Two GOATs, and the Era That Remade the World's Game》兩本書。


“A stunningly researched and comprehensive work of business reportage that somehow reads like a novel, The Formula is a lively hot lap through the untold history and explosive growth of the most glamorous, spectacular, and sordid global sport of them all. With all of the juicy background and context about Formula 1 that you won’t see on Netflix, this is hands down the greatest, most definitive book ever written about F1. A sweeping sports story for the ages.” — Sam Walker, bestselling author of The Captain Class


“No one explains exactly what’s happening in global sports like the duo of Clegg and Robinson. They’ve done it again with The Formula, a fascinating account of how F1 exploded in the Netflix age. Modern F1 is the sports story of this era, and no one could tell it better. In a book about racing geniuses, no one is better at their craft than the storytellers themselves.” — Kevin Clark, ESPN and Omaha Productions


“The fastest read you will ever pick up. The Formula brings you inside the furious present and sometimes bizarre past of the world’s richest, most technologically advanced form of sport. Even if you don’t know how to drive, you should read this book.”
— A. J. Baime, bestselling author of Go Like Hell: Ford, Ferrari, and Their Battle for Speed and Glory at Le Mans


“An appropriately fast-paced narrative of Formula 1 auto racing, whose popularity is exploding . . . A thrill for fans of F1, and a fine example of fluid sports writing.” — Kirkus Reviews


“[An] exceptional account of an intense sport . . . The authors go beyond the adrenaline-drenched action of the racetracks in portraying the progression of Formula One.”
— Booklist


“Deep and intelligent…a portrait of football greatness.” — Arsène Wenger on Messi vs. Ronaldo


“A comprehensive primer into the entwined histories of the two titans and the commercial forces that have molded their careers and, by extension, the sport.” — New York Times on Messi vs. Ronaldo


“While these two soaring greats are known for their transcendent wonder on the field, this rollicking narrative plunges into the complex backstories and entire ecosystems that propelled their colliding trajectories. With a pair of epic hero stories like The Last Dance or Homer’s Odyssey in cleats, this book traces the journey from aspirational prodigies to global commercial billboards, explaining how these two juggernauts and their rivalry shaped the most popular, and lucrative, era of the world’s most beloved sport.” — Roger Bennett, founder, Men in Blazers Media Network, on Messi vs. Ronaldo


“This rigorously researched book avoids becoming hagiography. The result is an ambitious and valuable study for all those who want to understand the modern world of football that Mr. Messi and Mr. Ronaldo have helped forge.” — The Economist on Messi vs. Ronaldo


“This book explains the brilliant backstory behind how each player became a start and how that stardom changed the footballing landscape not just in Spain but in the wider world as well…I read it in a day.” — Rebecca Lowe, NBC Sports, on Messi vs. Ronaldo



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再造F1: 流氓、天才與速度狂人如何將F1賽車改造成全球發展最快的運動

The Formula: How Rogues, Geniuses, and Speed Freaks Reengineered F1 into the World's Fastest-Growing Sport

再造F1: 流氓、天才與速度狂人如何將F1賽車改造成全球發展最快的運動
