In Universes: A Novel


類別 : 科幻小說
頁數 : 240
出版 : Harper, 2024 年 4 月 30 日
版本 : 精裝版
版權窗口 : 繁體博達代理David / 简体博達代理David


★獲選Lilith Magazine 2024年最讓人期待的科幻小說!
★「《躍迴時空》展現了一趟撲朔迷離的創造性探索,包括我們將轉變為怎麼樣的人、那些我們將會發掘的可能性,以及那些無法逃避的心碎。這本小說完整展露了才華橫溢的創作新聲!」──丹妮爾·埃文斯(Danielle Evans)《歷史修正辦公室》














本書的風格猶如華裔美國科幻小說作家姜峯楠(Ted Chiang)以及美國短篇小說作家卡門·瑪麗亞·馬查多(Carmen Maria Machado),與《宇宙中一切都同時發生》(Everything Everywhere All At Once, In Universes),作者埃米特·諾斯鋪陳劇情的細膩手法與充滿詩意的行文,扣合其核心精神,帶領讀者一探人們跨越時空,以堅定的期盼,刻畫對愛、酷兒和歸屬感的萬花筒,並鑄造堅韌的溫柔與充滿想像力的生命。 


艾米特.諾斯(Emet North)過去的十年在美國十幾個州之間輾轉生活,沒有固定的住所,儘管他們在山上感覺最為自在。早先,他們接受美國國家航空暨太空總署(NASA)的資助在觀測宇宙實驗室工作,更曾於蒙大拿州教授滑雪板、研究李代數(Lie algebra)、主持品酒、當服務員、訓練馬匹,並寫了一篇關於量子力學多世界詮釋的論文。同時,他們特別關注酷兒和變性人議題,並經常將西班牙語的相關資訊翻譯成英語,讓更多人了解這方面的資訊,也持續在社會中找尋更多需要被看見的議題。

作者社群「X 」


"In Universes is an explosion of creative beauty and heart. Emet North is a massively talented writer arriving ready to awe." — Nana Kwame Adjei-Brenyah, New York Times bestselling author of Chain-Gang All-Stars

“A soul-stirring debut…This crackling chronicle of queer love is a must read.”
— Publishers Weekly, starred review

“Bafflingly good. In Universes is an exhilarating, disorienting fabulist extravaganza to which we can only, and happily, submit. But it is also, secretly—and brilliantly—kind of a meta-novel about the melancholia of science fiction itself.” — Jordy Rosenberg, author of Confessions of the Fox

“Daring, brilliant, and revelatory, In Universes scatters its characters’ stories across the multiverse, showing us every one of the infinite lives we might live. It’s a miracle of physics and art, filled with wonder and grief, hope and regret, survival and romance and loss. By its end, we know: the best of all possible worlds is this one where we get to read Emet North’s writing.” — Julia Phillips, bestselling author of Disappearing Earth

"Emet North beautifully fractures the veil between genres, weaving a kaleidoscopic journey of identity, love, and the choices that make us. This is a multiverse where both tender and painful childhood memories echo through the dark matter of adulthood and finds its way to post-apocalyptic gardens of the dead. An assured and wildly imaginative debut that never loses its heart in any of its realities." — Sequoia Nagamatsu, bestselling author of How High We Go in the Dark 

"In Universes is a dazzling and inventive exploration of the many people we might become, the possibilities we might discover, and the heartbreak we can't run from. This novel is a breathtaking introduction to a brilliant new voice." — Danielle Evans, award-winning author of The Office of Historical Corrections 

“Beautiful and surreal, In Universes is a tenderly-crafted maze that brims with emotion—despair and regret, love and hope—as it wrestles with the endless seeking of self and the ‘what-ifs’ that define a life.”  — Fonda Lee, author of The Green Bone Saga and winner of the World Fantasy Award

"In Universes has a wonderous way of taking the full expanse of the heart (vast! unending!) and collapsing it into a jeweled beauty you can hold in your hands. This novel is brainy and surprising and—in a cartwheeling, star-spinning way—completely real." — Ramona Ausubel, author of The Last Animal

"In a feat of narrative structure both dazzling and convincing, North gives us deep and emotionally complex access to one human being’s journey across the multiverse, makes us think deeply about our own unchosen doorways, redefines realism as they kick its ass. In Universes is a wonder of a novel." — Pam Houston, author of Deep Creek: Finding Hope In the High Country


In Universes: A Novel

