The Turning Tide: A Biography of the Irish Sea


類別 : 人文史地
頁數 : 336
出版 : HarperNorth, 2023 年 9 月 5 日
版本 : 精裝版
版權窗口 : 繁體博達代理Mingming / 简体不代理



★「迷人、令人著迷、博學且極具樂趣。」 - Roddy Doyle (愛爾蘭名小說家)

★「非凡。生動... 作者Gower寫得精彩動人,這本書必深受大眾喜愛。」 - Times Literary Supplement


《The Turning Tide》是關於愛爾蘭海的故事,這片水域擁有豐富的歷史、自然和人文,透過生動的散文賦予海洋生動的個性。


《The Turning Tide》是一首頌揚擁有世界歷史意義的海上通道的讚歌。作者Gower結合社會文化歷史、自然寫作、遊記和政治,追溯了這片海域,曾經承載維京人和聖徒、入侵敵軍和軍火走私者,作家、音樂家和漁民。


愛爾蘭海分裂但相互聯繫,從狹窄的北海海峽經過St George海峽,一直延伸到Celtic海在大西洋中寬敞之處,擁有與其猛烈海上風暴一樣的動盪歷史,作者是一位富有同情心且樂於助人的導航員,帶領讀者走過Belfast的大船塢,穿越愛爾蘭大飢荒期流亡美洲的饑餓災民。他追隨工人的遷徙,講述尋找在英格蘭工作的男男女女的, 有時暈船,甚而思鄉者的故事。






作者 Jon Gower 在威爾斯的Llanelli度過大半人生,並在劍橋大學研讀英國文學。


他已經出版了三十多本書,有威爾斯語和英語兩種版本。他最新的一本英文著作《The Story of Wales威爾斯的故事》,附有Huw Edwards (BBC十點新聞主持人)的介紹,是為了配合BBC具有里程碑意義的系列節目而出版的。


‘Fascinating, spellbinding, erudite and great fun – every page made me want to walk out the door and go look at the Irish Sea.’ Roddy Doyle

‘The book equivalent of being hosted by a travelling storyteller around a fire.’ Gwenno

‘Remarkable. Lively … Gower writes beautifully [and] the book is profoundly popular.’ Times Literary Supplement

‘As full of life and vitality as the sea itself.’ Nicholas Crane, author of The Making of the British Landscape

‘The Irish Sea has found her bard. This is a dazzle of storytelling, an enthralling trove of history and a joyful work of travel and reportage, singing with the love of the sea. Nobody can tell a tale like Jon Gower.' Horatio Clare, author of Down To The Sea In Ships

‘A beautifully absorbing read encompassing aeons of human and natural histories. What a remarkable, generous, compendious achievement.' Neil Hegarty, author of The Story of Ireland

‘Contagious with delight and fascination. The seeming informality, the twinkle-in-the-eye in the telling, the gentle provocation make it a joy to read. Jon's perhaps brought into a being a new class of book, for it's nothing if not a “Racontography.”’ Cynan Jones, author of Stillicide

‘In prose as glittering as the ocean itself, Gower unearths the saints and smugglers, the birds and bards that have inhabited this salty kingdom. In The Turning Tide, the Irish Sea roars with a unique passion and character.’ Mike Parker, author of All the Wide Border

‘An elegant, engrossing portrait of the turbulent Irish Sea. Bursting with detailed natural history and stories of conquest, love, tragedy, and poetry alike, and so teeming with life, you can’t stop reading.’ Bathsheba Demuth, author of Floating Coast



The Turning Tide: A Biography of the Irish Sea

