Kill Show: A True Crime Novel


類別 : 驚悚懸疑
頁數 : 240
出版 : Harper, 2023 年 10 月 3 日
版本 : 精裝版
版權窗口 : 繁體博達代理Mengying / 简体博達代理Mengying


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「史威爾-貝克在這部令人震撼的推理小說中碰觸了美國人對真實犯罪的痴迷… 在這詭譎的謎團中,一切都不像看上去的那樣,史威爾-貝克爾的雙重轉折將會讓讀者感到震驚。 他敏銳的情節安排和對真實犯罪的專業理解將整個過程從聰明的巧思提升到灌籃式的表現。 在一系列探討公眾對個人悲劇著迷的當代驚悚中,這是一部最新作品,並且提出了尖銳的譴責,脫穎而出。」 ─Publisher Weekly 星級評論


十六歲的莎拉.普賽爾(Sara Parcell)失蹤,這是一齣悲劇——也是全國人民茶餘飯後的娛樂——這本構思縝密、令讀者深深著迷的小說,對虛構的犯罪小說和真實的犯罪案件有著新穎、聳動的思辨。








丹尼爾.史威爾-貝克(Daniel Sweren-Becker)為作家、電視劇作家、劇作家,居住於洛杉磯。他畢業於衛斯理大學(Wesleyan University),並取得紐約大學(New York University)的藝術創作碩士(MFA)。他的戲劇〈屈服姿態〉(Stress Positions)在紐約蘇荷劇院(SoHo Playhous)首演。著有小說《萬中選一》(The Ones)以及《一視同仁》(The Equals)。


“Daniel Sweren-Becker’s Kill Show is both an entertaining mystery and a bracing examination of how true crime has warped real-life investigations. It’s also a provocative reminder of how people behave differently, and often disastrously, when they’re in the spotlight.” — Sarah Lyall, The New York Times Book Review


“A truly modern morality play, in a unique and compelling style, that reflects on the uncomfortable connections between greed, ambition, and violence. Kill Show takes a sleepy, suburban town and turns it into a true-crime battlefield as events careen out of control. Smart, twisty, satisfying.” — Andrew Gross, New York Times bestselling author


'Riveting, original, and chillingly plausible, Kill Show is both an urgent reckoning with the ethics of true crime and a tense, twisty mystery in its own right. I couldn't turn the pages fast enough.' — Flynn Berry, Edgar Award-Winning Author of Northern Spy


“Sweren-Becker tackles America’s obsession with true crime in this searing whodunit . . . . Nothing is as it seems in this wily mystery, and Sweren-Becker delivers a double twist that will leave readers shocked. His sharp plotting and expert understanding of true crime tropes elevate the proceedings from clever gimmick to slam-dunk. The latest in a long line of contemporary thrillers interrogating the public fascination with private tragedy, this scorching indictment stands out.” — Publishers Weekly (starred review)


'A fun, clever twist on our obsession with true crime. I loved it.' — The Observer (London)


'With a unique and compelling narrative style, Kill Show is both a mystery and a reckoning of the 'siren song of true crime' that has us hooked like junkies craving our next fix. But at what cost? Absolutely unputdownable.' — Amazon Best of the Month Pick


'Sweren-Becker succeeds in telling the story entirely through interviews, slowly revealing the truth about Sara’s disappearance. This is a fun, clever twist on our obsession with true crime. I loved it.' — The Guardian (UK)


“Gripping . . . . Sweren-Becker has crafted a clever, fast-paced, utterly absorbing tale that feeds into audiences' fascination with true crime even as it explores the complex ramifications.” — Booklist (starred review)


“A swift, twisty read. Sweren-Becker’s tight plot and expert tension building makes for a searing tale that raises questions about public obsession and intervention without being too on the nose.” — The Seattle Times


'Kill Show's major plot mysteries are unguessable till the end and overshadowed by its conscientious characterisation. A lot of writers think they have something insightful to say about our toxic and exhilarating relationship with crime media. Sweren-Becker actually does.' — Reviewing the Evidence


'Gripping . . . . So smartly written you will be sucked in . . . . There are so many twists it will leave you gasping.' — Montecito Magazine


'The story of a missing girl that doubles as a critique of the burgeoning multimedia industry around true crime, Kill Show’s unexpected, genre-hopping premise is unlike any other thriller.' — Paste Magazine


'In this ambitious, genre-bending little miracle of a novel, Daniel Sweren-Becker muses on the complex machinations lurking behind the rise in popularity of the true-crime genre and its exploitation from television producers—an issue raising timely moral questions and dilemmas . . . . Sweren-Becker’s take on the subject provides an explanation for the phenomenon while at the same time crafting a riveting story that keeps readers on the edge of their seats. It is a rare book, combining cultural criticism and genuine entertainment.' — The Big Thrill


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Kill Show: A True Crime Novel

