Music and Mind: Harnessing the Arts for Health & Wellness


類別 : 大眾科普
頁數 : 464
出版 : Viking, 2024 年 4 月 9 日
版本 : 精裝版
版權窗口 : 繁體博達代理Kathryn / 简体博達代理Ivan


由世界首席女高音、藝術與健康醫療研究的倡議者芮妮.弗萊明 (Renée Fleming) 精心策劃,集結科學研究先驅、藝術家、創意藝術治療師、教育工作者和醫事人員撰寫的專文集,探討音樂及藝術對於健康和人類經驗產生的深遠影響。


根據多項研究顯示,音樂及藝術可有效應用於多種病症治療,如:緩解疼痛、減輕焦慮和抑鬱、腦中風或腦創傷引起的口語障礙,以及提升帕金森症和多發性硬化症 (MS) 患者的行動能力。


得益於近期腦部顯影技術的進步,以及美國國家衛生研究院 (National Institutes of Health)、多家大型醫院和大學校院的支持,藝術與健康醫療的跨域研究已有相當的成果,成功引起社會大眾的關注與重視。本書收錄享譽國際的音樂家、作家、藝術家及神經科學研究學者撰寫的專文,除了闡釋音樂對腦神經疾病的治療效益,同時探討藝術跨域的研究脈絡、腦功能發展、兒童發育以及藝術治療的應用技術。




・How and Why—Experts explain the basic science connecting arts and health, including origins in evolution.

・The Medical Muse—Health professionals and artists share impacts of the arts in hospitals and clinical settings.

・Creative Learning—Educators and researchers illuminate the effects of arts engagement on the developing brain.

・Music as Therapy—Practitioners and performers relay first-hand experiences of therapeutic music interventions.

・Science: A Deeper Dive—Scientists reveal their research methodology and compelling results.

・The Road Ahead—Thought leaders outline an integrated approach to arts, technology, community, and health for the future.


美國當代首席女高音芮妮.弗萊明 (Renée Fleming) 的音樂演出遍及世界各地頂級歌劇院和音樂廳,曾獲頒2012年美國國家藝術獎章 (National Medal of Arts) 和五座葛萊美獎殊榮,包含2023年甫拿下的最佳古典樂歌手獎,也曾在諾貝爾和平獎頒獎典禮、超級盃等世界級盛會登台演唱。作為藝術與健康的跨域研究的主要倡導者,她發起甘迺迪表演藝術中心 (Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts) 和美國國家衛生研究院 (NIH) 共同參與的研究合作計劃「Music and Mind」,迄今已在全球五十多個城市發表研究內容,並於2020年憑藉公眾影響力獲得研究倡議組織 Research!America 頒發伊沙多爾‧羅生福獎 (Isadore Rosenfeld Award),其他榮譽有2023年世界經濟論壇水晶獎 (Crystal Award) 以及傅爾布萊特終身成就獎章 (Fulbright Lifetime Achievement Medal)。


“At a time when the bonds of our common humanity are being stretched to the limits, at the same time as the intensifying stresses on our personal well-being, Renée’s book is a timely reminder that music is the meta language that connects all individuals and spans all cultures, religions, and races. Music has never been more important.”

 —英國歌手、「搖滾詩人」史汀 (Sting)


“This lyrical book opens our hearts and minds to the vast potential of the creative arts—music, dance, and synchronous movements—to sooth, comfort and connect to each other, and thereby promote health and well-being. The authors, some of the most luminous musicians, dancers, physicians, and neuroscientists of our time, all are deeply engaging, sometimes even magical, writers. This book inspires us all to immerse ourselves in the vast potential of music and other creative arts to heal our wounds, sharpen our minds, enliven our bodies, and restore our broken connections.”

—貝塞爾.范德寇 (Bessel van der Kolk),創傷研究學者,著有《心靈的傷,身體會記住》(The Body Keeps the Score)


“Brava, Renée, for assembling this groundbreaking collection of writings on music and the brain, with all the latest fascinating connections and possibilities splendidly presented. This volume will be a touchstone not only for researchers and musicians, but also for plain old music-lovers and good-book-lovers like myself.”

—潔米.伯恩斯坦 (Jamie Bernstein),已故傳奇指揮家伯恩斯坦 (Leonard Bernstein) 長女,著有回憶錄《Famous Father Girl: A Memoir of Growing Up Bernstein》


Music and Mind: Harnessing the Arts for Health & Wellness

