Forging Global Fordism: Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia, and the Contest over the Industrial Order


類別 : 歷史
頁數 : 328
出版 : Princeton University Press, 2023 年 12 月 5 日
版本 : 平裝版
版權窗口 : 繁體博達代理David / 简体博達代理David


《鍛造全球福特主義:納粹德國、蘇聯和工業秩序的競爭》是一本由作者Stefan J. Link撰寫的書籍。該書探討了20世紀初期至中期期間,納粹德國和蘇聯在工業化和經濟發展方面的競爭與相互影響。



Stefan J. Link對於這兩個國家如何在不同的意識形態框架下,採用相似的工業化戰略進行深入分析。書籍也對這種競爭對於全球工業秩序的發展和塑造產生的影響進行了探討。作者試圖通過這種對比,更好地理解20世紀工業化進程中的共同特徵和全球經濟秩序的演變。




Stefan J. Link是達特茅斯學院歷史系的副教授。


"In a smart, probing examination of Fordism as an intellectual and technical system, Stefan Link shows how societies as different as Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union came to adopt innovative production methods developed by a quintessentially American car company. A fascinating story."―Joshua B. Freeman, author of Behemoth: A History of the Factory and the Making of the Modern World


"Link's beautifully written book illustrates the competitive race toward Fordist mass production in surprisingly disparate political and economic regimes across the world. Forging Global Fordism is an indispensable and lucid contribution to our understanding of the global 1930s and the importance of the interwar years in shaping the postwar order."―Vanessa Ogle, author of The Global Transformation of Time: 1870–1950


"Forging Global Fordism offers a reinterpretation of the history of Fordism by recovering the origins of mass production in the American Midwest and examining the role of Henry Ford's illiberal visions of political economy during the global 1930s. Link combines perspectives from economic and global history in a fresh and convincing way."―Kiran Klaus Patel, author of The New Deal: A Global History


"Forging Global Fordism presents a global history of the 1930s centered not on Wall Street, FDR, Tokyo, or even Hitler, but on Henry Ford. Viewed from Detroit, that rueful decade imparts one surprising lesson after another."―Oscar Sanchez-Sibony, author of Red Globalization: The Political Economy of the Soviet Cold War from Stalin to Khrushchev


"Forging Global Fordism is an exciting foray into the entangled histories of automobile production in the United States, Soviet Russia, and Nazi Germany. Writing with both passion and wit, Link addresses some of the most perennial and difficult historical questions about the relationship between politics and economics."―Lewis H. Siegelbaum, author of Cars for Comrades: The Life of the Soviet Automobile


Forging Global Fordism: Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia, and the Contest over the Industrial Order

