皮特.弗勒興(Peter Freuchen)於北極荒野深處睜眼醒來,發現自己遭大雪活埋。昨晚暴風雪突如其來,他必須把雪橇底下的空間當作庇護所。一覺醒來,他便困在那裡,動彈不得。現在,他拖著疲憊不堪的身軀,從大雪之中挖出一塊洞。然而,他發現自己的處境變得更加危險:他的鬍鬚,因艱困呼吸吐出的水氣凝結,和他的雪橇黏在一塊,不斷撞到他的頭。一旦暴露風雪之中,只要幾分鐘,他就會面臨死亡……但是,如果連這樣,弗勒興都可以逃離,那麼沒有東西再能困住他。
細緻研究加上緊湊書寫,《冒險慾望》令讀者無可忘懷,本書是一則大膽、尋找新事物的故事,是一幅激勵人心的畫像,由永不停歇和毅力繪製而成,也是一段沉思,思索我們和地球、其他同類的關係。里德.米騰布勒(Reid Mitenbuler)這本精美的著作,為大眾保留上世紀偉大英雄的事蹟。

里德.米騰布勒(Reid Mitenbuler)著有《波旁帝國:美國威士忌的今生前世》(Bourbon Empire: The Past and Future of America’s Whiskey,2015年由Viking出版)、《腦洞大開:開啟動畫黃金年代的藝術家和競爭者們》(Wild Minds: The Artists and Rivalries That Inspired the Golden Age of Animation,2020年由Grove出版)。最近正投入第三本著作的書寫計畫。著作曾發表於《大西洋》(The Atlantic)、《石板》(Slate)、《風味》(Saveur)、《每日野獸》(The Daily Beast)以及《威士忌運動》(Whisky Advocate),以及其他出版刊物。他目前與妻子居住於洛杉磯。
"An absolute joy...Wanderlust is a compelling introduction to one of the most charismatic explorers to ever cross the ice." — New York Times Book Review
"Writing with panache and insight, Reid Mitenbuler serves up the many faceted life of Peter Freuchen." — Washington Post
"They don't make 'em like Peter Freuchen anymore. Something of a cross between Zelig and Dos Equis' 'Most Interesting Man in the World,' he seemed a man out of myth, a peg-legged giant wandering from the frozen ends of the planet to Hollywood to Nazi-occupied Europe — showing unfathomable physical and moral courage in equal measure. The pleasure of reading Wanderlust is second only to hearing these tales by the fireside from Freuchen himself. Actually, probably better, because you can actually trust Reid Mitenbuler, whose assiduous research enriches his delectable prose. This is a book to get lost in." — Julian Sancton, author of Madhouse at the End of the Earth
"An engrossing and delightful new biography...Wanderlust skillfully evokes a time and place that feel impossibly romantic and epic compared to our own but also shot through with danger, hardship, and the grotesque....Drawing on historical records, interviews, and Freuchen’s own prodigious writing, Mitenbuler gives a lively and comprehensive history of Freuchen’s life and rapidly changing times." — Washington Examiner
"Peter Freuchen's long and colorful life was so extraordinary it nearly defies belief. With great flair and flourish, Reid Mitenbuler captures all of Freuchen's remarkable adventures—as an explorer in the Arctic; as a struggling writer in Hollywood; as a wartime resister and outspoken foe of fascism during World War II—in astonishing detail, and with a compelling series of scenes and surprises. If you’re interested in how to live a life without regret, you will not want to miss Wanderlust." — Jon Gertner, author of The Ice at the End of the World
"This book oozes cold, hunger, and fear, but also joy, love, and triumph." — The Times (UK)
"This adventure story is impossible to resist.” — Publishers Weekly
"Drawing on thousands of pages of memoirs, diaries, letters, travelogues, and novels, journalist Mitenbuler creates a vivid portrait of Danish explorer, writer, anthropologist, and ethnographer Peter Freuchen (1886-1957)… A colorful, well-researched biography.” — Kirkus Reviews
"Mitenbuler's prose strikes just the right tone, easygoing but thrilling, filled with compelling detail." — Star Tribune
"Mitenbuler's third nonfiction outing is stellar, bringing an eccentric personality back from the veil...Time and again, Freuchen would test his luck against the most unforgiving conditions on earth, harrowing moments that Mitenbuler depicts through his visceral descriptions, narrative flourishes and deft plotting around true-life events." — Sacramento News and Review