A Death in Denmark

丹麥之死: Gabriel Præst偵探系列作首部曲

類別 : 推理小說
頁數 : 333
出版 : William Morrow Paperbacks, 2023 年 3 月 28 日
版本 : 平裝版
版權窗口 : 繁體博達代理Mengying / 简体博達代理Mengying


— Buzzfeed《今年最受期待的20部懸疑小說》


「《丹麥之死》是一部引人入勝的懸疑小說,馬拉迪結合了二戰、新納粹主義者、歐洲反移民政策與俄國黑手黨等題材,並將充滿大都會魅力的冷硬派偵探Gabriel Præst介紹給讀者,想必會讓讀者欲罷不能。」
—    《尋找代號八》、《紅眼睛的山姆》等書作者羅伯特·杜戈尼(Robert Dugoni)


「菲力普·馬羅(Philip Marlow)遇上北歐犯罪小說,一部爵士風謀殺懸疑小說,在現今的丹麥的反移民政策時事背景下深入哥本哈根的二戰納粹史。」
—丹麥作家伊本·艾賓納斯(Iben Albinus)




所有丹麥人都知道伊拉克難民Yousef Ahmed 殘忍殺害了右派政客Sanne Melgaard。
因此藍調音樂家兼沮喪裝修員兼全職私人偵探Gabriel Præst的前女友找上門請他調查這起案件時,他早就知道無望翻案。


阿繆莉亞·馬拉迪(Amulya Malladi)是八本暢銷小說的作者,包含《The Copenhagen Affair》、《A House for Happy Mothers》以及《The Mango Season》。 她的小說已經被翻譯成荷蘭語、法語、德語、西班牙語、丹麥語、羅馬尼亞語、塞爾維亞語、日語以及印度泰米爾語。她在Amazon Prime Global的丹麥犯罪劇《Ø》更是獲得傑出劇本獎。馬拉迪出生長大於印度,現為丹麥公民,並定居於洛杉磯。


“This is not your usual ex-cop turned PI mystery! Malladi captures the Scandinavian sparseness with powerful dialogue and a true sense of place.  The reader is gripped from the beginning and led on a complex journey with provoking questions for all of us: how far have we really come and will we ever get there? An excellent read!”
--Charles Todd, New York Times bestselling author of The Inspector Rutledge Mysteries and The Bess Crawford Mysteries


“An intricate tapestry of a novel that unflinchingly lays bare the human cost of politically cultivated hate. Gabriel Præst had me firmly in his well-tailored pockets from the very first page. A fast-paced, emotionally rich, and whip smart read!”
-- Sonali Dev, bestselling author of The Vibrant Years


“A Death in Denmark is the best kind of mystery novel: smart, well-researched, and well-written, it weaves an investigation into the past and present led by a truly compelling hero. This is an auspicious start to a new series. I loved it.”
--Mark Sullivan, New York Times bestselling author of The Last Green Valley


“Past and present collide in this tense Nordic thriller… Filled with vivid imagery and beautiful prose, A DEATH IN DENMARK is part page-turner, part unflinching examination of the racism and nationalism woven through modern Danish society. A compelling and fast-paced read, with an ending that lingers long after the last page.”
— Kimberly Belle, internationally bestselling author of The Personal Assistant


“A DEATH IN DENMARK is a thrilling and timely Nordic Noir with themes centered around tolerance, pulling together political secrets of World War II and how we treat immigrants in society today. Gabriel Præst is a strong and interesting protagonist supported by a rich gallery of different personalities. The detailed descriptions of Copenhagen will make you want to go there to follow in Gabriel’s footsteps.”
—Camilla Ahlgren, award-winning screenwriter of the acclaimed Danish TV series Broen, The Bridge and the Swedish TV series Störst av allt, Quicksand


Rights Sold:
Japanese/HarperCollins Japan
Romanian/Crime Scene Press

丹麥之死: Gabriel Præst偵探系列作首部曲

A Death in Denmark

丹麥之死: Gabriel Præst偵探系列作首部曲
