Advanced Parenting: Advice for Helping Kids Through Diagnoses, Differences, and Mental Health Challenges

高階育兒指南: 幫助孩子面對診斷、差異和心理健康挑戰

類別 : 育兒教養
頁數 : 336
出版 : Balance, 2023 年 4 月 11 日
版本 : 精裝版
版權窗口 : 繁體博達代理Mingming / 简体不代理


很高興與大家分享醫學博士Kelly Fradin新作: 《Advanced Parenting:  Advice for Helping Kids Through Diagnoses, Differences, and Mental Health Challenges》 。這本重要的書為育兒職責為照顧特殊需求孩子的父母提供了建議和支持。




Kelly Fradin 醫生根據她作為綜合護理兒科醫生的經驗提供高階育兒指南。在這個關鍵的指導,家長將找到同理心和支持,以及以證據為基礎的落實指導。最重要的是需要方法來管理情緒壓力,這種壓力來自有一個偏離常規的孩子,以及處理不確定性和駕馭護理事務。讀者會發現如何使日常生活更輕鬆,優化成果。


《Advanced Parenting》從一開始就會幫助家庭,從認識孩子什麼時候需要幫助開始,接受挑戰的影響,得到正確的診斷,了解問題,建立治療團隊,並提出一個全面的計劃。作者探討了孩子的掙扎是如何影響整個家庭的穩定,包括父母的關係和兄弟姐妹的整體幸福感,她作為一個綜合護理兒科醫生的經驗,她將幫助父母避免常見錯誤。父母會感到被看到、被支持,並且更好地準備好既做父母又做為看護人。


作者Kelly Fradin 醫生是一名兒科醫生,兩個孩子的母親,紐約市的兒童權益保護者。她從兒童癌症中倖存下來的經歷激勵她成為一名醫生。她畢業於哈佛大學和哥倫比亞大學醫學院,致力於在學術診所、私人診所、住院病房和學校等多種情況下照顧患有復雜疾病的兒童。


她在自己的instagram 上分享了實際的、有力的育兒建議和兒童健康資訊,並在她的第一本書《大流行中的育兒: 如何幫助你的家庭度過2019冠狀病毒疾病Parenting in a Pandemic: How to help your family through COVID-19》(2020年8月自行出版)中分享。


"This book is a must-read for any parent struggling through a complicated parenting problem. Dr. Fradin offers an invaluable resource for parents and caregivers facing significant challenges with their children's health."―Emily Oster, PhD, New York Times Bestselling author of Cribsheet and Expecting Better

“Dr. Kelly Fradin is a godsend to parents whose kids are facing almost any kind of challenge -- long term, short term, medical, emotional, you name it. This book is going to make you feel braver, smarter, and, oddly enough, realistic and optimistic at the same time. Dr. Fradin's empathy and experience come shining through, with practical advice and the reassurance of someone who has been there before -- as a kid with an illness, a pediatrician with a lot of hospital experience, and as a mom who ‘gets it.’”―Lenore Skenazy, president of Let Grow, founder of the Free-Range Kids movement

“There’s no book like this! In these pages, Dr. Kelly Fradin weaves hope and wisdom with rock-solid I've-been-there-too dependability into every suggestion and recommendation she makes. In this unique and beautiful book, Dr. Fradin speaks from her personal experiences as a patient, parent, and professional; she offers a treasure chest of information to manage everything that can go awry in a child’s life. It’s a certified godsend!"―Edward Hallowell, MD, author of Driven to Distraction

“Dr. Fradin writes with compassion and knowing. Advanced Parenting is a salve for those who unexpectedly find themselves facing a complicated parenting journey. More than that, it serves as a much-needed reminder that we are not alone in our challenges, and that there is a path to weathering the storm. How lucky we are to have Dr. Fradin as our guide."―Dr. Pooja Lakshmin MD, psychiatrist, author of Real Self-Care, and CEO + Founder of Gemma

“Advanced Parenting gives parents the lens, skill, and confidence to navigate their child's medical challenges. As both a parent of a child with chronic health issues, and as a pediatric mental health professional, I applaud Dr. Fradin’s ability to focus on the importance of connection, while providing the kind of practical resource that will help parents and their children be resilient in the midst of the stress of what they’re facing.”―Tina Payne Bryson, LCSW, Ph.D., New York Times Bestselling co-author of The Whole-Brain Child & No-Drama Discipline, and author of The Bottom Line for Baby

"Parenting is hard no matter what, but it can be infinitely more complex if you're raising a child with a difference or challenging diagnosis. Advanced Parenting is a thorough and thoughtful book that has all the information you need to support your entire family."―Melinda Wenner Moyer, New York Times Bestselling author of How to Raise Kids Who Aren't Assholes

“This is the most essential arsenal in the extra-challenged parent's toolbox. Dr. Fradin’s expert advice, empathy, and personal connection to those she hasn’t even met yet makes her the person who should be holding your hand as you go through THIS. This book is the one so many parents didn’t even know they needed — and won’t be able to live without.” ―Zibby Owens, of the Moms Don’t Have Time to Read Books podcast; author of Bookends: A Memoir of Love, Loss, and Literature and Princess Charming

高階育兒指南: 幫助孩子面對診斷、差異和心理健康挑戰

Advanced Parenting: Advice for Helping Kids Through Diagnoses, Differences, and Mental Health Challenges

高階育兒指南: 幫助孩子面對診斷、差異和心理健康挑戰
