★ 改編自本書的電影《犬山記》於第78屆威尼斯影展, 珍·康萍獲得了最佳導演銀獅獎。第79屆金球獎, 榮獲戲劇類最佳影片、最佳導演、最佳男配角。
★ AMAZON LGBTQ+ 經典小說類別 #3
★《THE POWER OF THE DOG》是一部崇高的小說,值得登上大銀幕。我無法停止對這個故事的思考,陽剛之氣、懷舊和背叛的主題是一個令人陶醉的組合......~本片導演, 珍·康萍(Jane Campion)
★ 本書新版本,加上Annie Proulx(“斷背山”作者)的後記,標誌著美國西部文學中最強大和最獨特的聲音~The Guardian(英國衛報)
故事發生在1920年代的美國蒙大拿州, 富家兄弟Phil和George共同掌管牧場, 兩人有著截然不同的特質。 Phil優雅、才氣縱橫但冷酷無情。George冷靜溫和, 可吹毛求疵。二人共同擁有蒙大拿山谷最大的牧場。
在此處,男子氣概大於一切,完全不受 20 世紀快速現代化的影響。當George暗地與從異地搬來, 帶有一子的寡婦Rose結婚,打破了表面的和平, 震怒的Phil為了徹底摧毀Rose,掀起一場殘暴無情的戰爭,並將她柔弱的兒子Peter當作棋子。
From Library Journal
Set in 1920s Montana, Savage's 1967 novel introduces the Burbank brothers, whose lives are permanently altered when one falls in love with a widow and brings the woman and her son to live on their isolated ranch. LJ's reviewer praised the novel, saying, Savage is a writer who can really write, and who never lets his style get in the way of his plot (LJ 2/15/67).
Copyright 2001 Reed Business Information, Inc.
"I never met Tom Savage but we corresponded and spoke on the telephone several times after he contacted me saying he had read my short story 'Brokeback Mountain.' At that time I did not know this writer's books and he was kind enough to send me a copy of Power of the Dog which I read with dawning realization that here was a fine western writer whose work had been overlooked, perhaps because of homophobic prejudice."―Annie Proulx
"A rich and challenging psychodrama...with echoes of East of Eden and Brokeback Mountain."―Peter Beech, The Guardian
"Savage writes like thunder and lightning...Some books are like aquifers under the desert. They rest patiently, bubbling up in springs when we most need them."―Susan Salter Reynolds, Los Angeles Times
"A pitch-perfect evocation of time and place...Savage is a master of narrative technique."―Amanda Heller, Boston Globe
"Thomas Savage is a writer of the first order, and he possesses in abundance the novelist's highest art-the ability to illuminate and move."―The New Yorker
"Thomas Savage is a writer of real consequence...a masterful novelist."―Jonathan Yardley, Washington Post
"The Power of the Dog offers so many pleasures readers will be forgiven if they do not immediately notice that it also engages the grandest themes-among them, the dynamics of the family, the varieties of loves, and the ethos of the American West. Put simply, The Power of the Dog is a masterpiece."―Larry Watson, author of Montana 1948