What Doesn't Kill Us Makes Us: Who We Become After Tragedy and Trauma


類別 : 心理勵志
頁數 : 400
出版 : Ballantine Books, 2022 年 8 月 30 日
版本 : 精裝版
版權窗口 : 繁體博達代理Mingming / 简体博達代理Mingming


*  2019年9月, 作者在New Yorker雜誌發表了激發本書靈感的報導, https://www.newyorker.com/culture/personal-history/a-town-for-people-with-chronic-fatigue, 立即成為當週閱讀數最多文章, 且持續數週。


尼采名言"那些無法毀滅你的,都將使你更強大。" 是嗎? 作者追蹤六名個案經歷災難事件後的人生,觀察在事件前後這些人生活的細微差別。作者問,如果災難和創傷沒有使我們更強大, 那它對我們的影響究竟是什麼? 

當作者的生活因被診斷為慢性病患者而改變時,使他沈思人生存在的改變。在這本野心勃勃的著作, 作者以己身經驗,以及醫學、文學、神話和宗教的啟發,講述人們生活在他所謂的“終極後人生”的故事。他們的經歷從造成癱瘓的車禍到改變人格的創傷性腦損傷。作者認為,他們的“終極後人生”強化了自我認同身份,迫使他們精準和更專注他們的目標,以在遭受衝擊悲劇打擊後戲劇性地重塑的身份, 進而找到他們的人生新方向——無論是通過學術、宗教還是幫助他人。

本書深入探究我們很少查覺的--充滿掙扎、失落、堅韌和歡欣的人生細節,作者將讀者帶到人生的陰暗角落,只為了告訴讀者我們有極大的潛能, 你可以的!


作者 Mike Mariani 自取得英語文學碩士學位後,一直擔任自由記者,為《The New Yorker  紐約客》、《The Atlantic大西洋》、《紐約時報The New York Times》、《Newsweek新聞周刊》、《GQ》、《Vanity Fair名利場》、《Style Magazine》、《The Nation國家》和《英國衛報The Guardian》撰寫專題報導。報導主題涵蓋: 法律專家及證人在涉及精神疾病的刑事案件中的道德困境、鴉片嗎啡類藥物危機及其對死亡率的影響,以及不平等的神經科學。作者居住在北加州,他喜歡步行、公路旅行,以及觀看乏人聽聞的最新獨立影集。


“A bold and intricate exploration of catastrophe as not just a transformative experience or a test case for resilience, but something that completely reinvents us—a reincarnation.”—Robert Kolker, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Hidden Valley Road

“A masterpiece—a book that truly captures what it means to be changed by tragedy, and a necessary salve for our troubled times.”—Ed Yong, New York Times bestselling author of An Immense World and I Contain Multitudes

“There is so much wisdom packed into these pages, all delivered with Mike Mariani’s sparkling prose, keen observations, and deep empathy. What Doesn’t Kill Us Makes Us is a masterpiece . . . and a necessary salve for our troubled times.”—Ed Yong, author of An Immense World  

“Through intimate reportage, Mike Mariani offers a bold and intricate exploration of catastrophe as not just a transformative experience or a test case for resilience, but something that completely reinvents us: a reincarnation. A profound and rewarding read . . . brave and harrowing and wise and bursting with insight.”—Robert Kolker, author of Hidden Valley Road

“This book gave me chills, over and over again, and its subjects—whose lives are documented with grace, insight, and compassion—will stay with me forever. If you listen closely, this book will ask you to reexamine everything you believe about incarceration, injury, tragedy, and joy—and to think harder about how we might all do better, as individuals and institutions, to support the thriving of every human life.”—Leslie Jamison, New York Times bestselling author of The Empathy Exams and The Recovering

“These stories are rarely told: neither triumphs nor terminal catastrophes but complicated, stubborn, moving human struggles to forge a new self. . . . This is nonfiction at its best, cracking open our usual ways of seeing, to reveal lives as they really are.”—Larissa MacFarquhar, author of Strangers Drowning

“Mariani is a writer who combines the traits of intelligence, humility, and compassion, which makes this a truly inspiring book. Once you see how hard someone will work to give purpose to their life, your own problems seem much less insurmountable.”—Catherine Gildiner, author of Good Morning, Monster

“A must-read for anyone hungry for a realistic, nuanced exploration of what it means to survive and be transformed by trauma or catastrophe . . . Mariani and the lives he chronicles demonstrate that purpose and meaning don’t simply show up after a great loss; they are the products of grief, fortitude, and deep inner work.”—Christie Tate, author of Group

“The stories told here—and Mike Mariani’s fulsome journalistic gifts—offer a nuanced clarity to this language and a powerful reminder of how difficult, complicated, and wondrous it is to be alive. The title invokes tragedy and trauma. The stories encapsulate healing and renewal.”—Jeff Hobbs, New York Times bestselling author of The Short and Tragic Life of Robert Peace

“A heart-rending examination of surviving trauma . . . The author’s superior storytelling abilities shine throughout and portray his subjects with compassion and nuance. The result captivates, offering a poignant exploration of how humans make meaning out of tragedy. . . .  Mariani concludes with penetrating wisdom on the nature of suffering, positing that whether tragedies make someone stronger is less important than how they shape one’s identity.”—Publishers Weekly (starred review)


What Doesn't Kill Us Makes Us: Who We Become After Tragedy and Trauma

