IF WALLS COULD SPEAK: My Life in Architecture

如果牆壁會說話:積木建築教父 薩夫迪自述建築之道

類別 : 傳記回憶錄
頁數 : 368
出版 : Atlantic Monthly Press, 2022 年 9 月 20 日
版本 : 精裝版
版權窗口 : 繁體博達代理Changchih / 简体版權已售Changchih



「個人創造力的深層來源是什麼?怎麼可能有人採用傳統的建築環境並使其煥然一新?一本具前瞻遠見的書,《如果牆壁會說話》讓我們親密接觸我們這個時代最偉大的建築師之一的生活和思想,成功地回答了這些問題。」 ——斯蒂芬・格林布拉特(Stephen Greenblatt),普利茲獎得主,《轉向:世界如何變得現代》(The Swerve: How the World Became Modern)作者。


世界級知名建築師摩西・薩夫迪至今設計建造了許多全球最受關注和令人難忘的建築,從 1967 年在蒙特婁世界博覽會「棲息地67」(Habitat 67)的模塊化住宅計劃、以色列的大屠殺紀念館(Yad Vashem Memorial)、新加坡的星耀樟宜機場(Jewel Changi Airpor)花園及其室內瀑布、濱海灣金沙酒店(Marina Bay Sands Hotel)到近期中國重慶的來福士廣場及深圳機場等。對薩夫迪來說,空間的運用和功能性遠比令人驚艷的外型重要,他堅信建築本身是一股向善的社會力量,任何建築上的挑戰,包括極端人口密度和環境品質問題,都可以透過提升社區營造及人道精神的解決方案迎刃而解。 薩夫迪認為 總建築師最終必須服務的不是委託業主(即使是公營部門)、不是出資的贊助商,而是「沉默的客戶」,那些將 日日在該建築物中生活、工作或穿梭體驗的人們。


關於摩西·薩夫迪的建築理念的書及報導很多,這本《如果牆壁會說話》 特別在於由薩夫迪本人親自帶領讀者走入他的專業設計工作面紗後面,通過他自己的經驗,包括建築師是如何思考和工作的——「從發想靈感的火花到設計過程,模型製作,政治、工程、材料。」,還有設計案和人物的故事——導師、客戶、同事、政治家等,支撐每個設計案當地風土人情、人物等彼此複雜相互作用。《如果牆壁會說話》 以薩夫迪大量檔案中的獨特的圖畫、草圖、照片和文件說明他的建築理念和成果,本書最後一章薩夫迪以獨特方式說明,如果建築規模及資源不是問題的話,他心中期待能參與完成的全球七項建築計畫案。 這一本與眾不同的書,《如果牆壁會說話》將永遠改變一般讀者看待和欣賞任何建築結構的觀點。




被譽為過去半個世紀最偉大、最具創新性的建築師之一。 2019 年,薩夫迪以「其職業生涯出於對建築及正式實驗的社會關注」,獲得了沃爾夫獎(Wolf Prize,建築界的諾貝爾獎,被認為是授予個人的最重要的建築獎項)。「摩西・薩夫迪持續以最純粹和最完整的意涵來執行建築,不考慮時尚,卻渴望在他的教學、寫作、執業及研究中,在世界各地追隨與展現其理想和理念。」 —波士頓建築師協會(Boston Society of Architects)主席 Emily Grandstaff-Rice 在她的美國建築師協會金獎提名信。



“What are the deep personal sources of creativity? How is it possible for someone to take the conventional built environment and make it new? A visionary book, If Walls Could Speak triumphantly answers these questions by giving us intimate access to the life and mind of one of the greatest architects of our time.”—Stephen Greenblatt, Pulitzer-prize-winning author of The Swerve: How the World Became Modern


“Moshe Safdie makes beautiful and important buildings. He makes buildings that envelop, soothe and invigorate you. He makes buildings that infuse into your day and life a sense that bigger things might suddenly be possible. He makes buildings that—whether you have driven past his landmark Habitat in Montreal, toured an exhibit in his searing Yad Vashem Museum in Jerusalem, or spent the night in his epic Marina Sands Hotel—you will never, ever forget. What is remarkable about If Walls Could Speak is that Safdie’s memoir is as unforgettable as anything he has produced out of stone, cement and steel. Safdie takes us on a gripping journey through the stirrings and challenges that gave rise to buildings that have changed whole communities and even nations. But If Walls Could Speak is much more than the memoir of a legendary architect; because of Safdie’s storytelling gifts, it is also a coming-of-age story, a tale of rebellion and redemption, and an inspiring tour of the better part of the last century, in which questions of place, community, and identity collided, and in which one man developed a vision for how he could do his part to improve the experience of living.”—Samantha Power, former United Nations ambassador and bestselling author of The Education of an Idealist


“The world knows Moshe Safdie as an international architect of the greatest modern buildings. With this compelling memoir Safdie will now be known as a beautiful writer who conveys—with elegance, and understanding—what it takes to create a building while telling the story of a long and fascinating life the reader is privileged to share.”—Ruth Rogers, owner/chef of The River Café


Praise for Moshe Safdie:

“Moshe Safdie has continued to practice architecture in the purest and most complete sense of the word, without regard for fashion, with a hunger to follow ideals and ideas across the globe in his teaching, writing, practice and research.”—Boston Society of Architects president Emily Grandstaff-Rice in her nomination letter for the Gold Medal from the American Institute of Architects

如果牆壁會說話:積木建築教父 薩夫迪自述建築之道

IF WALLS COULD SPEAK: My Life in Architecture

如果牆壁會說話:積木建築教父 薩夫迪自述建築之道
