The Asteroid Hunter: A Scientist’s Journey to the Dawn of our Solar System


類別 : 大眾科普
頁數 : 336
出版 : Grand Central, 2024 年 3 月 19 日
版本 : 精裝版
版權窗口 : 繁體博達代理Mingming / 简体不代理



該任務旨在返回小行星樣本,解開地球上生命形成之謎,以及任務領導者 Dr. Dante Lauretta(Sara Seager)的非凡人生。


1999年9月11日,人類在浩瀚的宇宙中取得了一個重大的發現。科學家們揭示了一顆具有巨大科學價值的小行星 - 一個巨大的天體。這個宇宙巨人的規模龐大,堪比一艘航空母艦,高聳如標誌性的帝國大廈,後來被命名為Bennu,不僅因其尺寸而引人注目,還因屬於一種罕見的小行星,有能力揭示生命本質。但正當Bennu成為希望之光時,研究人員發現了一個嚴重的威脅。這顆宇宙巨人正在太空中飛速前進,極有可能在2182年9月24日與地球相撞。


帶領這次探險的是Dante Lauretta博士,他是NASA大膽的OSIRIS-REx小行星樣本返回任務的首席研究員。他的團隊負責解開Bennu的謎團,展開了一次大膽的任務,旨在從小行星表面取回一個寶貴的樣本 - 這個樣本不僅有可能解開生命起源的秘密,還有可能防止一場前所未有的災難。


《THE ASTEROID HUNTER》是一個關於命運和危險的故事,由Dante Lauretta博士親自講述了這個高風險任務。它為讀者提供了一個如臨其境的一瞥,讓他們深入了解了這個任務和Dante Lauretta博士野心勃勃、曲折的個人旅程。拉開宇宙的神秘面紗,這個引人入勝的敘述承諾讓讀者難得一見地深入科學探索的緊密結構,其中技術精確性與人類深切的好奇心和不屈不撓的精神相結合。



作者Dante Lauretta博士是美國亞利桑那大學月球和行星實驗室以及行星科學系的的董事教授。自2011年以來,他一直擔任NASA OSIRIS-REx小行星樣本返回任務的首席研究員。此外,他還擔任日本Hayabusa2小行星樣本返回任務、歐洲太空總署的Hera行星防衛任務以及NASA CAESAR彗星樣本返回任務概念定義團隊的合作研究員。

Lauretta博士是一位傑出的學術研究員,已在同行評審期刊上發表了200多篇論文,並共同編輯了幾本學術書籍。他的研究成果曾被《Science》、《Nature》、《Nature Astronomy》和《Sky and Telescope》等期刊封面所特別報導。他曾獲得多個獎項,包括2020年美國航空學會太空技術獎、NASA銀獎章和兩項金氏世界紀錄。

他擁有廣泛的高知名度人脈,用以宣傳這本書,包括搖滾吉他傳奇人物:OSIRIS-REx團隊成員Brian May博士以及科學教育家Bill Nye。由於他作為OSIRIS-REx的公眾代表的傑出工作,他每年已經做數百場演講和受訪,並將使用此書做為未來出席活動的重要內容。


“Lauretta’s account of a historic mission is an impressive combination of fascinating science and human inspiration.”―Kirkus Reviews, starred review

"[Lauretta] is a talented storyteller, spinning a gripping narrative out of scientists’ efforts to overcome unforeseen obstacles under intense pressure. Armchair astronomers should consider this a must read." ―Publisher's Weekly, starred review

"A beautifully written, first-hand report from the scientific leader of an awe-inspiring NASA mission, aimed at the pioneering delivery of material from an ancient asteroid to Earth. While the book educates us about the technological heights of human ingenuity, the returned asteroid material would teach us about our cosmic roots within the solar system and the organic molecules that sourced life on Earth."―Avi Loeb, Professor of Science at Harvard University and bestselling author of Extraterrestrial

"In this captivating, behind-the-scenes account of the OSIRIS-REx NASA asteroid sample return mission, PI Dante Lauretta provides an unmatched portrayal of the joys and challenges from an insider's perspective. A fascinating read."―Sara Seager, Professor of physics and planetary science at MIT and award-winning author of The Smallest Lights in the Universe

"Human frailty and courage are at the heart of this unflinching book and this daring mission to understand what a rubble pile in space can tell us about life–its origins and its pageant here and now. The Asteroid Hunter explores the chancy beauty of a mission and its incredible team, its dedicated leader and the cosmos itself."―Christopher Cokinos, award-winning author of Still as Bright: An Illuminating History of the Moon from Antiquity to Tomorrow and The Fallen Sky: An Intimate History of Shooting Stars

“This intimate account of the triumphs and tragedies of space exploration will enthrall anyone who has ever dreamed of traveling the stars. The Asteroid Hunter is a high-stakes travelogue to an otherworldly object, and Dante Lauretta is the perfect guide: perceptive, driven, and wide-eyed at every new wonder.”―Melissa L. Sevigny, author of Under Desert Skies

“Just outstanding! A thrilling, behind the scenes, insider account of how a historic space mission was conceived, won, built, and flown."―Alan Stern, Principal Investigator of NASA’s New Horizons mission and author of Chasing New Horizons

"In Asteroid Hunter leading planetary scientist Dante Lauretta provides a detailed, personal, and highly poignant inside look into one of the most daring and successful robotic space missions ever attempted. What a ride!"―Jim Bell, Professor in the School of Earth and Space Exploration at Arizona State University and author of The Interstellar Age and Art of the Cosmos

“The Asteroid Hunter is an inspiring memoir of the boldest mission NASA has ever flown: the journey to the most dangerous asteroid in the solar system, which contains the secrets of how life began on Earth. Dante Lauretta’s poetic account of the thrilling journey establishes him firmly in the pantheon of great explorer-authors of our time. The Asteroid Hunter is a work no space enthusiast should miss.”―David W. Brown, author of The Mission

"In The Asteroid Hunter, Dante Lauretta tells the story of a space mission designed to bring back a handful of dirt from the dawn of the Solar System. The book has much of  the pacing and suspense of a good thriller. Lauretta has to run the gauntlet of endless NASA reviews with many rejections, the death of his mentor and original leader of the project, and the challenge of solving a thicket of technical challenges. It takes as long to see a NASA space mission from concept to conclusion as it does to raise a child and  Lauretta experiences a scientific version of the highs and lows of parenting. The final  chapter will not be written until labs around the world have scrutinized the OSIRIS-REx samples, but The Asteroid Hunter makes it clear to a general audience why scientists spend years on projects where success is never guaranteed. The thrill of learning about our origins and the camaraderie of the mission team keeps them going."―Chris Impey, Distinguished Professor of Astronomy, University of Arizona and author of How It Began: A Time-Traveler's Guide to the Universe

“An autobiography, an action-adventure story, a how-to manual on creating a space mission, and an introduction to solar system science all rolled up into one book that ends with a piece of the early solar system delivered softly to our home planet, its secrets to be revealed.”―Jonathan I. Lunine, the David C. Duncan Professor in the Physical Sciences, Cornell University


The Asteroid Hunter: A Scientist’s Journey to the Dawn of our Solar System

