To The City: Life and Death Along the Ancient Walls of Istanbul


類別 : 人文史地
ISBN: 978-0008416041
頁數 : 416
出版 : William Collins, 2024 年 2 月 15 日
版本 : 精裝版
版權窗口 : 繁體博達代理Mingming / 简体不代理


⇨ 漫步在伊斯坦堡崩塌的防禦城牆上,與偶遇路人交談,作者發現了這個國家歷史的精華,是當下的一面鏡子,也是未來的一道陰影。


《TO THE CITY》這本令人驚豔的作品,是記者Alexander Christie-MIller的處女作。在伊斯坦堡崩毀的防禦城牆上漫步時,他與巧遇路人交談,Alexander Christie-MIller發現了這個國家歷史的精髓,是當下的一面鏡子,也是未來的一道陰影。 本書是新聞報導、歷史和旅行文學的融合,是對伊斯坦堡靈魂的美麗冥想,也是對它的韌性和堅毅的讚歌。






《TO THE CITY》巧妙地融合了兩種敘事:通過那些生活在城牆周圍的人的生活,講述了土耳其動盪不安的近期歷史,以及Ottoman Sultan Mehmet二世於1453年圍攻並攻克該市的故事。這一事件在土耳其仍然占有重要地位,就像現任土耳其共和國第12任總統Recep Tayyip Erdoğan一樣,他像一位現代蘇丹一樣喚起它的記憶,試圖在國家轉型中重現其帝國的過去。


與作者Christie-Miller 同行,看到危險、美麗和希望。


作者Alexander Christie-Miller於1982年出生在Wiltshire郡,曾在都柏林三一學院學習英語文學和戲劇研究。

在2010年至2017年間,他在伊斯坦堡擔任《泰晤士報》的特派記者。他的作品還刊登在《Newsweek》、《大西洋月刊》、《明鏡周刊》和《White Review白色評論》等刊物。作者Alexander Christie-


A love letter to this ancient capital…a work of storytelling skill and passion, a handsome tribute to a city that always transfixes'

The Times

'The author is a sensitive and patient presence, piecing together these stories over many pages. Spending time at a teahouse, an animal shelter and a former Dervish hall that is now an academic institution, he brings to life the rich variety of these neighbourhoods. While Christie-Miller’s focus remains on the streets surrounding the walls, his characters offer broader insights into Turkey’s social and political make-up. He is also sensitive to the poetry of his surroundings, captured in moments of lyrical precision: “Behind them I saw the remains of the Byzantine sea wall hanging like a scrap of old parchment strung out to dry in the sun'

Financial Times

‘Alexander Christie-Miller is an exceptionally fluent and imaginative writer who knows Turkey intimately’

Max Hastings

'An absorbing and thoroughly engaging study of modern-day Turkey. His research is first class, and he writes very well…Christie-Miller’s love of the city and its people shines through this wonderful book'

Literary Review

'Between the ancient minarets that punctuate the city’s skyline, the author seeks out the real soul of Istanbul in its diverse peoples, past and present, by raising up voices rarely heard'

National Geographic Magazine

'Alexander Christie-Miller has written a gripping portrait, with both the sweeping scope of a historian and the intimate, laser-like eye of a travel writer. This also a deeply humane account of a legendary city, not always well served by its leaders'

Daniel Metcalfe author of Blue Dahlia


To The City: Life and Death Along the Ancient Walls of Istanbul

