
Good Morning, Baby Earth!

類別 : Picture Books
頁數 : 48
出版 : Global Kids Books, 2022 年 3 月 25 日
版本 : 精裝版
版權窗口 : 繁體博達代理Mengying / 简体博達代理


Rights Sold: Simplified Chinese


In continuation of GOOD NIGHT, Baby Earth, this time Baby Earth starts at the little cottage under the light of dawn. With the sun rising, Mommy Deer and Baby Deer wake up under the tree. Mother pulls the curtains and sees the sun come out. A new day!


Jimmy Liao, Taiwan’s most internationally successful author/illustrator, who has been creating picture books for more than 20 years, has started creating for younger children. His books have been translated into nearly two dozen languages.

Good Morning, Baby Earth!


Good Morning, Baby Earth!
