The Oleander Sword (The Burning Kingdoms, 2)
夾竹桃之劍: 烈焰王國系列
※「無疑將重塑未來幾年史詩奇幻的格局。」—Booklist (starred review)
~Sirley Parker-Chan, author of She Who Became the Sun
※ 2022年世界奇幻文學大賞(英語:World Fantasy Awards) “THE JASMINE THRONE" 令人驚嘆的續集!
《The Oleander Sword》延續了Tasha Suri廣受好評的《The Burning Kingdoms》三部曲,其中一位強大的女祭司和一位複仇心切的公主將改變一個帝國的命運。
無名之神宣布Malini為帕里佳島嶼 (Parijat Dvipa) 合法皇后的預言ー已被證明是祝福也是詛咒。 她決心繼承命運賜予她的王位。 但即使她心中充滿憤怒,身邊有一支忠誠的軍隊,廢黜她的哥哥也將是一場殘酷而血腥的戰鬥。
不死之水的力量流經Priya 的血液。 現在,她是一位三生輪迴的女祭司,也是Ahiranya 的長者,她夢想著看到她的國家擺脫腐朽困擾: 既有帕里佳島嶼(Parijat Dvipa) 令人不快的統治,也有正在蔓延到所有 生物的疾病。 但她還不知道她所擁有的魔法的真相。
Malini和Priya選擇的道路曾經讓他們分道揚鑣。 但是靈魂仍然像他們的命運一樣糾纏不清。 從那些寧願看到他們的王國被燒毀的人手中拯救出來將會付出慘痛的代價。
作者Tasha Suri是英國奇幻小說作家,曾任學術圖書館員。 她的處女作《沙之帝國》(Empire of Sand)在2019年英國奇幻獎中獲得了最佳新人獎,並被《時代》雜誌列為2020年有史以來100部最佳奇幻小說之一。 2022年,她的小說「THE JASMINE THRONE"獲得了世界奇幻文學大賞(英語:World Fantasy Awards)。
"A magnificently reimagined southern Asia where spirits walk the earth and fire has a will of its own... The Oleander Sword continues Ms. Suri’s heady epic, skillfully keeping a close, human eye on the people who star in it."―Wall Street Journal, on The Oleander Sword
"Suri laid the groundwork of this artful, immensely detailed world in book one, and now allows it to explode with politics, magic, and theology. The heroines are fierce and tender as ever, both brimming with a quiet, molten rage stemming from a thirst for vengeance, righteousness, and love....[A] taut, emotional sequel that will leave series fans eager for the finale."―Publishers Weekly (starred review) on The Oleander Sword
"This complex, sprawling story is filled with lush worldbuilding, politics versus personal feelings, and familial love and betrayal...An epic tale of love: for family, for power, for country."―Library Journal (starred review) on The Oleander Sword
"THE BURNING KINGDOMS trilogy is easily shaping up to be one of my all-time favorites! ... This is a wonderful sequel, and one of my favorite books of the year ... Tasha Suri is a phenomenal writer, and she completely immerses the reader in this world."―Grimdark Dad, on The Oleander Sword
"The Jasmine Throne is an intimate, complex, magical study of empire and the people caught in its bloody teeth. It’s about resistance and power, histories both personal and political, and the heroes who must become monsters to survive. I loved it."―Alix E. Harrow, author of The Ten Thousand Doors of January, on The Jasmine Throne
“Tasha Suri writes the female characters I didn’t realize I was aching to see in fantasy, to devastating effect. The Jasmine Throne is a fiercely and unapologetically feminist tale of endurance and revolution set against a gorgeous, unique magical world."
―S. A. Chakraborty, author of The City of Brass, on The Jasmine Throne
"Lush and stunning... Inspired by Indian epics, this sapphic fantasy will rip your heart out."―BuzzFeed News on The Jasmine Throne
"Suri’s incandescent feminist masterpiece hits like a steel fist inside a velvet glove. Blisteringly furious and astonishingly tender by turns, its women take on the patriarchal empire with every weapon at their disposal. Simply magnificent."―Shelley Parker-Chan, author of She Who Became the Sun, on The Jasmine Throne
"The Jasmine Throne pulls you under, sweeping you away on a current of gorgeous prose and intricately imagined magic and politics. Filled with sharply-drawn characters who ache with longing: for peace, for war, for one another. It left me breathless."―Andrea Stewart, author of The Bone Shard Daughter, on The Jasmine Throne
"The Jasmine Throne raises the bar for what epic fantasy should be. Tasha Suri has created a beautiful, ferocious world alongside an intimate study of the characters who will burn it all down."―Chloe Gong, author of These Violent Delights, on The Jasmine Throne
“A masterpiece. Suri continues to storm the realm of epic fantasy. The Jasmine Throne is the powerful, female-centric series I've hungered for—with deftly-woven prose and a pair of glorious women destined to wreck your heart.”―Heather Walter, author of Malice, on The Jasmine Throne
"It’s especially satisfying when a sequel arrives that not only exceeds our expectations but blows them out of the water entirely, holding on to the things we loved about the original novel but adding compelling new pieces that make the story even richer and more compelling than it was before. Such is the case with Tasha Suri’s The Oleander Sword, a complex, immersive follow-up that’s packed with surprises, sacrifices, and characters that are easy to root for even when they are often difficult to like."―Paste Magazine, on The Oleander Sword